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In connection to the share purchase arrangements for management position in Storebrand the following persons have 21 March 2011 participated by purchasing Storebrand ASA shares at NOK 46,79 per share


Shares after
Name: Purchase: purchase:
Hans Aasnæs 10,459 59,209
Odd Arild Grefstad 4,554 34,572
Egil Thompson 1,868 21,500
Roar Thoresen 4,694 37,582
Elin Myrmel-Johansen 1,175 9,666
Lars Aa.Løddesøl 4,599 36,748
Morten Unneberg 4,242 36,890
Frederic Ottesen 3,538 33,916
Truls Nergaard 1,952 12,919
Gunnar Rogstad 4,151 105,573
Pål Petersen 1,112 10,566


Lysaker, 21 March 2011





This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

