Per Kumle leaves Storebrand Bank

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Managing director Per Kumle has accepted a position as partner in the investment and advisory company Credo Partners. Mr. Kumle will continue as managing director for the bank until May 1.

Mr. Kumle joined Storebrand in February 2002 as managing director of Finansbanken. He has been responsible for the merger between Finansbanken and Storebrand Bank, and has developed the bank as a core part of Storebrand's effort in the market for long term savings and life insurance.
- I am grateful and impressed by Per Kumle's effort. He has delivered, and turned a banking business with significant losses and challenges into a bank with a clear profile and solid profits.  He has established a robust base for further profitable growth in Storebrand Bank, says Storebrand Group's CEO Idar Kreutzer. He goes on to wish Mr. Kumle continued success in the future.
- I have had a very fine and exciting period in Storebrand, and have had challenges and experiences which will be of great benefit going forward. Storebrand Bank now has a solid platform, and is in a position as challenger with great potential for customer growth, says Mr. Per Kumle.  
Mr. Kumle will continue as board member in companies within the Storebrand Group following his departure. He has an agreement of 24 months' salary after the normal notice period.
An internal and external search for Mr. Kumles successor as managing director of Storebrand Bank has started. 
Oslo, January 11, 2006

Contact persons: <br> Egil Thompson, Director of Corporate Communications <br> Tel: +47 22 48 95 86 Mobile +47 93 48 00 12 <br> Nils Robert Hodnesdal, Investor Relations <br> Tel: +47 22 31 55 33 Mobile +47 93 40 38 13
