Q1 2010: Good investment return - customer buffers strengthened

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· Group result of NOK 278 million

· Good return on customers' assets

· Efficiency measures having expected effect

· Solid financial position and strengthened customer buffers

· Synergies SPP realised ahead of plan


The Board of Director's interim report for Q1 2010, Q1 2010 result presentation and Supplementary Information are attached on http://www.newsweb.no


Storebrand will today host a press and analyst conference in Storebrands head office at Lysaker, Professor Kohts vei 9, at 1000 CET (in Norwegian). An international conference call will be hosted at 1600 CET. To participate in the conference call please use link on http://www.storebrand.no/ir, or call in and register 10 minutes before the presentation starts. Dial: +47 80080119 (from Norway) or +47 23184501 (from Norway or abroad).


Full press release:


Q1 2010: Good investment return - customer buffers strengthened


· Group result of NOK 278 million

· Good return on customers' assets

· Efficiency measures having expected effect

· Solid financial position and strengthened customer buffers

· Synergies SPP realised ahead of plan



"Good returns for our customers, increased buffer capital and growth in new sales sum up the first quarter. The improvement work in the group continues at full strength, and will produce a gradually increasing effect over the year," says CEO Idar Kreutzer.


Sound value creation

The quarter's result was characterised by a good return on the customers' assets within Life and Pensions. The customers' buffer capital was strengthened in the quarter and amounted to NOK 5.9 billion and NOK 9.5 billion in the Norwegian and Swedish life and pensions businesses, respectively.


The booked return in the quarter exceeded the average interest guarantee in all customer portfolios in the Norwegian life and pensions business, and a NOK 1.3 billion market value adjustment reserve has also been built up.


The returns in the recommended investment choices for defined contribution pensions in the Norwegian life and pensions business in Q1 were 2.1 per cent for careful profile, 3.4 per cent for balanced profile, and 4.3 per cent for bold profile, respectively. All profiles achieved higher returns than their benchmarks.


SPP's result was positively affected by the implemented streamlining measures and a good risk result in the quarter. The returns on investments in the customer portfolios were good, which resulted in profit sharing between customers and the owner. The financial result in the period was weakened by the development of the interest rate market with the associated increase in the value of insurance liabilities.


In connection with the acquisition of SPP annual synergies of NOK 470 million related to revenue, costs, investments and tax were communicated. The synergies are realised above target, 9 months ahead of plan.


The result in Storebrand Investments developed positively compared with the same period last year, and was driven by an increase in assets under management from internal and external customers, as well as the good development of the financial markets.


The margins of Storebrand Bank's main products developed positively, but an increased proportion of long-term funding and high liquidity costs weakened net interest income. The development of losses and defaults in banking was satisfactory, and the level of losses was substantially lower compared to 2009.


P&C insurance's result was negatively influenced by the segment's high claims costs associated with the winter's extraordinary cold period.



Good customer growth

The net booked inflow of customer assets to Storebrand Life Insurance was NOK 1.6 billion in Q1 compared to NOK 1.1 billion in the same period last year.


Total new premiums (APE) in the Norwegian life and pensions business amounted to NOK 826 million in the quarter, double the level in the same period last year.


New sales measured in APE in SPP increased by 3 per cent in relation to the same period last year. New sales within unit-linked insurance increased by 7 per cent. The increase in new sales took place at the same time as the number of salespeople was reduced due to efficiency measures and restructuring in the business.


SPP's strength within unit-linked insurance was confirmed by its naming as the best unit-linked insurance company in Söderberg & Partners' annual ranking. This is the second year in a row SPP has topped the list.


The net volume of new sales in the asset management business (external discretionary assets and mutual funds) was negative in Q1. This development was due to the fact that the company has lost some large interest rate mandates in the institutional market. Sales are expected to develop positively in the rest of the year.


Solid financial position

Storebrand was in a solid financial position at the close of Q1. The Storebrand Life Insurance Group's solvency margin was 167 per cent at the close of the quarter.


Storebrand ASA carried out new bond issues during Q1 worth a total of NOK 600 million with terms to maturity of 3 years. The company also repaid EUR 110 million of its credit facility meaning that this is now fully undrawn. The company has also entered into an agreement concerning a new EUR 210 million credit facility, which replaces the existing agreement. Overall the adjustments increase the company's financial flexibility.


Norwegian pension reform

On 5 May, the Banking Law Commission will present proposed amendments to the legislation regulating occupational pension schemes in the private sector. The amendments lay the groundwork for the flexible drawing of pensions from occupational pension schemes from the age of 62, at the same time as pension points will continue to be earned if people keep working. The changes, which will come into effect on 1 January 2011, will thus first focus on employees and their options.


Storebrand is prepared for a higher inflow and greater need for advice from both companies and employees, and has developed a new online advice tool. Comprehensive information is also being provided to companies and employees with occupational pension schemes in Storebrand.



Lysaker, 05 May 2010



EVP Corporate Communications Egil Thompson: Mobile (+47) 93 48 00 12

Head of Investor Relations Trond Finn Eriksen: Mobile (+47) 99 16 41 35



Enclosure: Board's Interim Report for Q1 2010


This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)