Orange has won the category for Best Wearable Mobile Technology with its VR1 Headset at the GSMA GLOMO Awards at Mobile World Congress. Developed by Strax, the VR1 Headset looks to enhance the VR category with a universal fit headset with integrated audio.
This award recognizes Orange’s commitment to broaden the VR accessory category, at an attractive price for customers of both IOS and Android handsets. Creating a product with features deeply appreciated by consumers, and working with Orange to develop the ‘Go to market’ position, clearly shows the incredible value-add Strax offers its clients.
“Connected devices such as the VR headset developed for Orange is an area attracting ever increasing interest from both the industry and end consumers. Strax is very well positioned in the segment with expertise that clearly separates us from the competition. The cooperation on this product with Orange is not only an award winning project but also a great business success as well with more than 35 000 products sold to date” says Gudmundur Palmason, CEO Strax AB.
About Strax
STRAX is a global company specializing in mobile accessories and connected devices. STRAX is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange. STRAX offers proprietary, licensed and partner branded accessories. The proprietary brands include XQISIT, GEAR4, Urbanista, THOR, AVO+ and FLAVR. The company represents over 30 major OEM as well as mobile accessories brands and sells to a wide channel landscape ranging from telecom operators, specialized mobile and consumer electronics retailers to online, lifestyle, convenience stores and supermarkets. STRAX was founded in Miami and Hong Kong in 1995 and has since grown significantly across the globe. STRAX now has over 185 employees in 12 countries and its operational HQ and logistics center is based in Germany.