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Staff and trainees at Swindon Borough Council’s award-winning employability programme, Energy2 work, will be getting out of their comfort zone and skydiving to raise money to help fund the project.

They are paying for the pre-jump training of course trainees with the prize money given as part of the NIACE (National Institute of Adult Continuing Education) Award for Opening Doors to Adult Learners, presented to the project earlier this year. A fund-raising skydive was originally the idea of the programme’s Employment Co-ordinator, Kayleigh Smith, who planned to do it alone, but colleagues and then a couple of former Energy2 work trainees decided they’d like to face the challenge alongside her. Kayleigh explained: “Skydiving is something I have always wanted to do. I’m scared of heights and knew I’d only be able to do it if it was for a good cause. I thought doing something like this would be a great way of getting information about the Energy2 project more widely known whilst proving how passionate we all are about it. “The target we’re aiming for is £2,500 to help keep Energy2 work running, keeping the doors open to people with disabilities and ensuring they have an equal chance at securing a fulfilling job.” In total seven people will now be attempting the jump at Redlands Airfield, Wanborough, Swindon at lunchtime on Friday, September 3. The team will include four members of Energy2 staff: Kayleigh, Dave Rowland, Eva Millard and Michael Mayne; two former trainees: Josh Boulton and Stanley Gibbs, and Ali Torbett of Capita, one of the partners delivering Learning and Development for Energy2, who was originally taken on to train the skydivers in motivation and confidence before the jump. Energy2 Manager, Ann King, said: “This is an opportunity for trainees to do something outside their comfort zone and increase their confidence and team skills. They have been asked to raise a minimum of £100 for Energy2, so they have to plan and organise this and communicate with their sponsors, as well as taking responsibility for collecting money. The dive will be a significant personal achievement as both have a fear of heights.” The Energy2 Work project is supported by the Skills Funding Agency through the European Social Fund (ESF). It is the latest initiative in a sustained campaign by Swindon Borough Council to improve opportunities for disabled people. Energy2Work has a holistic and highly motivational approach to training aimed at helping disabled people find work and helping employers find employees they need with the right skills. The programme, which is open to trainees for one year, is dedicated to developing skills that employers look for. It offers a recognised qualification, teaches team skills, helps learners take control of their lives and supports them in their search for a job. It includes an eight week work-placement, which gives an opportunity to put new skills into practice and can be included on a CV. The trainees planning to jump are Stanley Gibbs and Josh Boulton. Both have completed the Energy2 Work training for employment programme. Josh has successfully moved into full time employment with FMW Recycling and Stanley is currently completing a 13-week work placement at Enterprise Works. Stanley said: “I’m excited about doing the jump at the moment and I think it will make me feel happy and improve my confidence. Energy2 is such a good project I would really like it to keep going and that’s the main reason I’ve got involved with the jump.” Josh said: “This is a really good opportunity. I think it will help me to face some fears and it will improve my self confidence.” Josh still has to find some sponsors before he jumps and he is helping to organise a fund-raising quiz night for his friends and work colleagues. Head of Provider Accounts for the Skills Funding Agency, Dr Paul Pettigrew, said: “The determination and dedication demonstrated by this initiative is a reflection of the feelings the Energy2 work project inspires in everyone involved with it. It’s an excellent and very effective programme that achieves outstanding results. I wish all the jumpers the very best of luck.” Ends 27 August 2010 Photos (by Bernie Pettersen) 018: The Energy2Fly team (l to r) Ali Torbett, Michael Mayne, Eva Millard, Kayleigh Smith, Stanley Gibbs, Dave Rowland and Joshua Boulton

