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Swindon Borough Council’s unique award-winning Energy2 project has expanded to include a money-making, energy-saving, employment-creating scheme producing fuel pellets from waste wood.

Energy2burn will create biomass fuel from unwanted wood that would otherwise be sent to landfill sites. The scheme is also working closely with partners who can assist with advice and installation of the wide range of biomass boilers and heaters for domestic and commercial use that burn the eco-friendly fuel. As a part of the ground-breaking Energy2 project, Energy2burn will also provide essential training and work experience opportunities and some full time jobs for people with disabilities or health problems that have previously been a barrier to their employment. The new training and work experience positions provided will involve more than manning the pellet processing plant, it will involve all the jobs associated with making Energy2burn a business success - including sales and marketing, finance and administration. The Energy2 scheme is financially supported by the Skills Funding Agency through the European Social Fund. Part of the agreement requires the council to ensure the training project is sustainable. Selling the pellets will help towards the costs of the training programmes. Energy2 manager, Ann King, said: “The biomass pellet market is relatively new and the pellets can only be used in specialist boilers, but we are expecting it to expand rapidly making Energy2burn a success both financially and ecologically. It will also be extremely beneficial from an employment point of view. We’ve done the research and ensured that all the skills taught on Energy2 programmes are not just transferrable but are being asked for by Swindon employers.” Vince Sparkes is one of the people benefitting from Energy2burn. Vince, 29, who lives in Swindon with his girlfriend and two-year old son, has almost completed the Energy2work course and will start a permanent job with Energy2burn in the next few weeks. Vince, who was born with only one arm, said the whole Energy2 project has completely changed his life and the prospect of the job manning the pellet plant has been a pivotal point in his life. He said: “All I have ever wanted is to be like everyone else, to have a job, a car and holiday once a year, but I have always been at home, hidden away. This is opening up a whole new set of doors. I am going to have a permanent job,everything is going to be brilliant. I am buzzing!” Dr Paul Pettigrew, Head of Provider Accounts for the Skills Funding Agency, said: “This project is outstanding on so many levels. It is financially self-sustaining, offers essential training and job opportunities, and is a benefit to the environment. We are proud to be associated with Energy2burn.” Ends 8 June 2010 PHOTOS (by Bernie Pettersen) 011: L to R: Supervisor Bill Ramsdale, Dave Chouldes and Vince Sparkes 028: L to R: Dave Chouldes, Supervisor Bill Ramsdale and Vince Sparkes


