Rear Admiral Juha Vauhkonen Joins Summa Defence Ltd's Executive Board

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Press Release    September 2, 2024, CET 13:00


Rear Admiral Juha Vauhkonen Joins Summa Defence Ltd's Executive Board


Summa Defence Ltd strengthens its Executive Board by appointing former Chief of Intelligence at the Defence Command, Rear Admiral Juha Vauhkonen, as the company's Director of Defence and Security Affairs, effective from September 2, 2024.

Vauhkonen will be responsible for the strategic management and development of the company's defence and security affairs, creating value and competitiveness for the company.


Vauhkonen has an extremely broad industry perspective and an international network.


"It's great to be involved in building something completely new, creating opportunities for Finnish defence and security companies to grow and at the same time creating conditions for success internationally. What particularly inspires me about Summa Defence is that the focus of the group is on comprehensive security. In addition to the defence industry, other key areas of societal security have also been taken into account: civil defence and security of supply. They make the operations and my work in the company very interesting and rewarding," says Juha Vauhkonen.


"Juha Vauhkonen brings significant industry expertise to Summa Defence in a key role, and his involvement will further accelerate our operations. Our goal is to announce the first subsidiaries of the group later this year," says Jussi Holopainen, CEO of Summa Defence.


Risto Takkala, who has a comprehensive career in demanding financial management positions from various industries and technology companies, will also start as CFO in the Summa Defence Executive Board on September 2, 2024. Takkala has successfully implemented four IPO projects on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.


For more information and interview requests



Mikael Hästbacka

+358 40 555 3 222



Summa Defence Ltd is a new Finnish defence group, the key parts of which are related to situational awareness, mobility and protection. Summa Defence Ltd combines Finnish defence companies and creates a strong player in the industry. The strengths of the new, significant defence industry player include Finnish entrepreneurship, technological expertise and bringing innovation capability to industrial-scale production.


The establishment of Summa Defence is based on the need to create a situation picture and industrial-scale production, which has been recognised in Finland and the European Union for a longer time. The opening of new financing channels will serve the strongly increased demand for defence products and services. The company's goal is strong international growth and maximising joint performance with reliable international partners.


