Final agreement between AssiDomän and Frantschach

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Final agreement between AssiDomän and Frantschach AssiDomän AB and Frantschach AG have signed an agreement on the sale of AssiDomän's sack operations, the Sepap and Dynäs paper mills, and the Barrier Coating business unit. Frantschach will take over these operations with effect from 1 January 2000. The deal is subject to approval by the EU competition authorities and is expected to be finalised by payment of the purchase price in the second half of this year. The total purchase price is between MEUR 550 (MSEK 4,543) and MEUR 565 (MSEK 4,660) before deduction for interest-bearing liabilities, depending on the earnings trend in the sold units (earn out). The deal itself is expected to have an impact on profit after net financial items of approximately MSEK 180. In addition, positive tax effects of approximately MSEK 485 are expected, among other things due to previous losses. Taken together, the positive effect on the profit in 2000 will be approximately MSEK 665, corresponding to SEK 5.60 per share. Since the transfer will be made with effect from 1 January 2000, the sold units' 2000 earnings will accrue to the purchaser. Until this transaction is completed, the sold units will be included in AssiDomän's accounts as previously. "This agreement marks a major step in the implementation of our strategy to concentrate operations and focus on those segments where AssiDomän has a competitive structure and is able to build up and defend a leading position and create shareholder value," says Gunnar Palme, President and CEO of AssiDomän. The Group's capital structure AssiDomän conducts regular reviews of the Group's capital structure in order to have a well-balanced balance sheet. The intention is to transfer most of the proceeds from the sale to Frantschach to shareholders in autumn 2000, once the deal has been completed and payment received. The transfer lies within the limits of what is judged possible in view of limitations in AssiDomän's balance sheet as regards available unrestricted equity, and reasonable in view of development plans for the remaining units. Advisors to AssiDomän in this deal have been Landsdowne Capital and Carnegie. AssiDomän is one of Europe's leading forest products companies with 17,000 employees and an annual turnover of EUR 3 billion. Production is concentrated on packaging paper, packaging and sawn timber products. AssiDomän AB Corporate Communications 16 May 2000 For further information, please contact: Gunnar Palme, President and CEO Roger Asserståhl, deputy Vice President Sven Eric Lundström, CFO Berit Hallberg, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications Tel.: +46 8 655 90 00 Appendix 1 AssiDomän´s future direction Appendix 2 Financial facts for units being sold Appendix 3 Facts about the units included in the deal Appendix 1 AssiDomän's future direction AssiDomän's industrial operations will be focused on profitability and growth within Corrugated & Containerboard (corrugated board and containerboard). As the third largest supplier of corrugated board and containerboard in Europe, AssiDomän has a strong position with excellent opportunities to further strengthen its position. Market share is currently just over six per cent and the aim is to exceed ten per cent. The strategy is to grow and strengthen positions in selected markets and to raise market share in profitable segments with a high value added. AssiDomän needs to improve the balance between recycled-fibre based and virgin-fibre based paper and to increase the integration between containerboard and corrugated board. The necessary growth within Corrugated & Containerboard will take place organically or through acquisitions. The pulp and paper mills Karlsborg and Skärblacka have strong positions, among other things, in white, high-grade packaging paper. Opportunities for product and market development are good and there are several development options with regard to both grades and market segments. AssiDomän is open to co-operation with other companies in order to further strengthen competitiveness. AssiDomän Timber is Sweden's largest producer of sawn timber. The sawmill industry has been suffering from a fragmented structure and overcapacity for many years. Profitability is unsatisfactory and there is an urgent need for consolidation. In addition to further work with profitability and efficiency, AssiDomän also intends to play an active role in efforts to build stronger structures in this sector. AssiDomän's forest assets are a resource with significant cash flows and large values that must be better reflected in valuations of the company. The Group is currently assessing the advantages and disadvantages of keeping the forestry and industrial organisations together in the same structure, or whether a separate listed industrial company and pure-play forest company respectively can provide greater shareholder value. The evaluation of AssiDomän's future structure includes an analysis of an appropriate future capital structure and financial targets. The sale of business unit Cartonboard was initiated at the end of 1999. The sales process is expected to be finalised before summer. Appendix 2 Units being sold Profit and Loss Account Of which Barrier Coating, AssiDomä Sacks, Dynäs, n Sepap Group % of January-March 2000 MSEK MSEK Total Group External sales 6 560 1 546 24 Operating expenses -5 426 -1 302 24 Depreciation -446 -99 22 Operating profit 688 145 21 January-March 1999 External sales 5 947 1 326 22 Operating expenses -5 141 -1 199 23 Depreciation -501 -121 24 Operating profit 305 6 2 Full year 1999 External sales 24 497 5 502 22 Operating expenses -21 195 -4 994 24 Depreciation -1 963 -472 24 Operating profit 1 339 36 3 Full year 1998 External sales 23 993 5 756 24 Operating expenses -20 565 -5 237 25 Depreciation -1 850 -443 24 Operating profit 1 578 76 5 Full year 1997 External sales 20 725 5 649 27 Operating expenses -17 359 -5 210 30 Depreciation -1 521 -406 27 Operating profit 1 845 33 2 Assets and Liabilities Of which Barrier Coating, AssiDomä Sacks, Dynäs, Sepap n Group % of 31 March 2000 MSEK MSEK Total Group Fixed assets, non-interest- 20 452 3 716 18 bearing Stocks 2 859 711 25 Non-interest-bearing current 5 840 1 192 20 receivables, external Liabilities and Provisions, non- 7 236 1 115 15 interest-bearing, external Cash flow Of which Barrier Coating, AssiDomä Sacks, Dynäs, n Sepap Group % of January-March 2000 MSEK MSEK Total Group Operating surplus 1 113 244 22 * Before write-down of MSEK 1 540 Appendix 3 Facts about the units included in the deal AssiDomän Sacks AssiDomän Sacks manufactures paper sacks which are used to pack building materials and other products. Other significant market segments are the food and chemical industries. AssiDomän Sacks is the second-largest sack producer in Europe. Capacity, million sacks: 900 Number of employees: 1,650 Sack plants: 15 * Belgium (2): AssiDomän S&M, Vilvoorde (to be closed 30 June 2000); AssiDomän Multisac, Poperinge. * Croatia (1): Ekovreca, Valpovo. (AssiDomän owns 65% of the company.) * Czech Republic (1): AssiDomän Sepap Sack , Steti. * France (3): AssiDomän Charfa Artois, Béthune; AssiDomän Charfa Provence, Rousset; AssiDomän Charfa Alsace, Schweighouse Sur Moder. * Germany (2): AssiDomän Herkules, Sendenhorst; AssiDomän Herkules (Werk Goslar), Goslar. * Italy (3): AssiDomän Natro Cellulosa, Romano di Lombardia/Bergamo; AssiDomän Natro Cellulosa, Volla/Napoli; AssiDomän Natro Cellulosa, Misterbianco/Catania. * Norway (1): AssiDomän Scandisack, Moss. * UK (2): AssiDomän Sacks, Aylesford; AssiDomän Sacks, Hull. AssiDomän Dynäs (Väja, Sweden) Production capacity: - unbleached sack and kraft paper: 220,000 tonnes Number of employees: 390 AssiDomän SEPAP (Steti, Czech Republic) Production capacity: sack and kraft paper: 149,000 tonnes Linerboard: 65,000 tonnes market pulp: 110,000 tonnes Number of employees: 1,050 AssiDomän Barrier Coating Barrier Coating processes paper, liner, cartonboard and other substrates by coating and laminating with various types of polymers. This creates a barrier against grease, moisture and gas diffusion. Number of employees: 780 Plants: 7 * Belgium (1): AssiDomän Belcoat, Duffel. * Czech Republic (1): AssiDomän Sepap-Barrier Coating, Steti. * France (2): AssiDomän Polykote, Oise; AssiDomän Polykote, Gournay-en- bray * Germany (1): AssiDomän Inncoat, Raubling. * Sweden (2): AssiDomän Barrier Coating, Örebro; AssiDomän Barrier Coating, Timrå. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please visit for further information The following files are available for download:
