New Board for AssiDomän

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New Board for AssiDomän At today's Extraordinary General Meeting of AssiDomän AB the following were elected as new members of the Board: Bo Dockered, Lars Johan Cederlund, Åsa Domeij, Birgitta Johansson-Hedberg, Lena Johansson, Christina Liffner and Lena Söderberg. At a statutory meeting, Bo Dockered was also elected Chairman of the Board. "It is natural now that our offer to acquire the shares in AssiDomän has been accepted, that we also formally take over responsibility for the company," says the new Chairman of the Board, Bo Dockered. All those elected are also members of the Board of Sveaskog AB. As already announced, AssiDomän's new president is Sveaskog's president, Lars Sköld. He took up his position on 28 December 2001. Personal particulars Bo Dockered, born 1941, Hon. Doctor of Agriculture and chairman of AB Trav och Galopp, Lernia and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, among others. Lars Johan Cederlund, born 1941, Head of Division at the Ministry of Industry. Åsa Domeij, born 1962, Agronomist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Birgitta Johansson-Hedberg, born 1947, President and CEO of FöreningsSparbanken. Lena Johansson, born 1955, Director General of the Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics. Christina Liffner, born 1950, Chairman of Svensk Adressändring and board member of Nordbanken, AB Vin & Sprit and the Third AP Fund, among others. Lena Söderberg, born 1955, President of KRAV co-operative society. Stockholm,14 January 2002 AssiDomän AB Corporate Communications ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download:
