Swedes are positive towards globalisation

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Swedes are positive towards globalisation Sweden is one of the nations in the world who has a highly favourable opinion of free trade. This is confirmed in a report from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. The Swedes are also positive to globalisation. Very few Swedes view globalisation as a threat. The report is based on a survey, which has looked into the Swedes' attitudes towards globalisation. Temo, a company specialising in opinion polls, was commissioned by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise to carry out the survey. The survey shows that 48 percent of Swedes have a positive or very positive attitude towards globalisation and only 10 percent perceive it negatively. According to the survey, over 90 percent of Swedes believe that international trade is important. Fifty-four percent imply that trade liberalisation is a better path to employment and prosperity than import restrictions. "The Economist" has posed this very same question in 22 other countries. On the whole, these surveys show that Swedes, together with Taiwanese, South Koreans and Hong Kong Chinese, have the most positive attitude towards free trade. The surveys also show that globalisation critics do not have great support in Sweden. There are nearly four times as many Swedes who have a positive view of the World Trade Organisation, WTO, than those who support globalisation critics, such as Attac. In addition, over 60 percent of Swedes - contrary to many globalisation critics - regard free movement of capital across borders of great importance. The report and survey is available in Swedish at www.svensktnaringsliv.se. A hard copy can also be ordered via telephone: +46 8 553 431 38 For further information please contact: Allan Åberg, Project manager for the Globalisation project for the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Telephone: +46 8 553 431 38 /+46 703 45 60 47 or Andrea Prander, Press Officer, Telephone: +46 8 553 430 18 /+46 708 80 69 01 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2001/07/06/20010706BIT00160/bit0002.doc http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2001/07/06/20010706BIT00160/bit0002.pdf
