The safety culture among motorcyclists leads to less accidents

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Statistics show that the Swedish motorcyclists have already reached the Vision Zero goals. The riders have reduced their death toll by 40 percent since 2018 by building their own safety culture. The motorcyclists have succeeded with something that was claimed impossible from the outside world. In addition this has almost entirely been financed this on our own , says the Swedish Motorcyclists Association , SMC.

SMC always states that it isn’t dangerous to ride a motorcycle if you do everything right even if it will never be risk free. As a rider you can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries dramatically by getting a valid drivers license before riding a bike, always ride sober without using alcohol or/and illegal drugs, choose  a motorcycle with modern technology such as ABS and always use a good protective gear and helmet. Finally if you ride in a reasonable speed and interact with other traffic you can reduce the risk further. This is something every motorcyclist knows.

SMC has made great efforts over the past years to increase road safety among motorcyclists and to create a safety culture, Some examples are information to motorcyclists, advanced training , struggling to change the road maintenance regulations to reduce accident risk and standardization of protective clothing and helmets. SMC has also initiated and participated in research.  SMC's operations are largely financed solely by membership fees.

- I am happy and proud that we, managed to achieve the goals for Zero Vision already in 2019 on our own. SMC has created a safety culture among the Swedish riders in the motorcycle community through information, training and advocacy . Swedish motorcyclists are safety conscious and want to come home safe to the ones we love – like all other road users, says Jesper Christensen, general secretary of SMC.        

- When you ask a motorcyclist where they formed their safety awareness the answer is within the motorcycle community. Friends, the motorcycle club, advanced courses, magazines, websites, social media , forums and other places where SMC is taking an active part. This is  what creates a safety culture . Swedish motorcyclists demand and buy road safety large amounts every year , says Jesper Christensen, Secretary General of the SMC.         

SMC is looking forward to the start of the MC season 2020 throughout the country and welcomes everyone - media,authorities, the government, motorcyclists, politicians and road holders - to contact us in all matters that are related to motorcyclism .

Jesper Christensen, general secretary + 46 70 557 75 00

Maria Nordqvist, political secretary, + 46 70 538 39 38




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SMC has created a safety culture among the Swedish riders in the motorcycle community through information, training and advocacy
Jesper Christensen
I am happy and proud that we, managed to achieve the goals for Zero Vision already in 2019 on our own
Jesper Christensen