Statement from Swedish Radio’s DG following the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris

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“The attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris is horrible and totally unacceptable”, says Cilla Benkö, DG of the Swedish Radio. “First of all, my thoughts are with the victims of this tragedy and their relatives.”

Swedish Radio's DG Cilla Benkö. 

“We have to defend the right of journalists to do their job without fear of threats, and even worse, murder. Freedom of expression is fundamental and we all have to stand up for an open society where we are free to publish, to scrutinize and criticize even if it may cause offense to others. We all, publishers and editors, must stand together to condemn this act and defend a free and open society. This attack must not silence journalists”, says Cilla Benkö.

For more information, please contact:

Helen Hellstromer, Director of Communications 
+46 (0)72-853 56 87 



