Balance of Payments fourth quarter 2006
The current account showed a surplus of SEK 57.2 billion for Q4 2006, which is an improvement of SEK 10.7 billion compared with the same period in 2005. Surpluses were noted on the trade balance, SEK 38.5 billion, services, SEK 22.2 billion and investment income, SEK 6.8 billion. Current transfers showed a deficit of SEK 10.3 billion.
The annual figures for 2006 indicate a surplus on the current account amounting to SEK 209.6 billion. This corresponds to a good 7 per cent of GDP.
Compared with the previous year, the current account balance has improved by SEK 21.6 billion. This can be largely explained by the net total for trade in goods and services increasing by SEK 34.7 billion.