Balance of payments Q3 2006
The current account showed a surplus of SEK 49 billion for 2006 Q3, which is a decrease of SEK 1.7 billion compared with the same period in 2005. Seen over the first three quarters, the total current account surplus is SEK 152.1 billion, which is an increase of SEK 9.3 billion compared with the corresponding period last year.
The surplus for Q3 stems largely from trade in goods and services. The total surplus amounted to SEK 52.5 billion, broken down into a trade balance of SEK 30.4 billion and trade in services balance of SEK 22.2 billion. Income also showed a surplus of SEK 7.9 billion, while current transfers gave a deficit of SEK 11.4 billion.
Since the previous report in August, substantial revisions have been made to income which in turn have led to an increase in the published current account surplus for the years 2005 and 2006. A more detailed account of the reasons for this can be found under the section direct investment income.
When seasonally adjusted, the surplus on the current account was SEK 54.5 billion, which is at the same level as 2005 Q3.