January 2007: Extensive new issues abroad
Extensive new issues abroad
Cross-border portfolio investment generated a net inflow of SEK 92.7 billion in January. This result was primarily due to foreign investment in Swedish debt securities. In all, foreign investors purchased Swedish debt securities to a total of SEK 128 billion. The greater part of the investment is explained by large issues in foreign currency from the bank and mortgage bond sectors. Foreign investors also purchased Swedish government bonds and debt securities issued by the housing sector to a net total of SEK 40.2 billion, mainly through secondary market trading. During the same period, Swedish investors purchased foreign debt securities to a total net value of SEK 29 billion, primarily foreign bonds.
Equity trading led to a net outflow of SEK 6.3 billion. This outflow is mainly explained by Swedish investors increasing their holdings in foreign equity securities by SEK 8.2 billion. Foreign investors net purchased Swedish equity securities to a value of SEK 1.8 billion. The most traded shares were Nordea and Atlas Copco, with net sales abroad amounting to SEK 0.8 billion each.