Decision on three Inflation Reports a year

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At its meeting on Thursday the Executive Board of the Riksbank decided that in future three Inflation Reports would be published a year instead of the current four. The number of monetary policy meetings would not be affected; there would normally be seven or eight of these per year. ”The two Inflation Reports in the autumn have come too close together to have sufficient new material to justify publishing two separate assessments of inflation. The possibility to influence these publication dates has been limited by the fact that the first report in the autumn is published in connection with the Governor’s hearing in the Riksdag Committee on Finance, which takes place in October after the Riksdag (Swedish parliament) has opened. This decision will lead to a more even spread of our Inflation Reports across the year and enable us to use our forecasting resources more efficiently,” said Deputy Governor Irma Rosenberg. Besides providing a basis for monetary policy decisions, the Inflation Report aims to spread awareness of the Riksbank’s assessments to a wider public, so that monetary policy is easier for outsiders to follow and understand. The reports are also intended to encourage a discussion on monetary policy issues. The publication dates for the Inflation Reports and the dates of the Executive Board's meetings can be found in the calendar on the Riksbank's website,


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