First Deputy Governor Eva Srejber leaves the Riksbank

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First Deputy Governor of the Riksbank Eva Srejber has notified the General Council of the Riksbank that she wishes to resign her post. Finance Minister Anders Borg is to propose that the Swedish Government nominate Ms Srejber as the Swedish representative in the European Investment Bank (EIB).

”On behalf of the General Council of the Riksbank, we would like to thank Eva Srejber for her invaluable services to the Riksbank over many years. The General Council will now begin the work on finding a successor to Eva Srejber. The process of appointing a successor to Deputy Governor Kristina Persson, who leaves on 30 April, is already under way,” say Johan Gernandt, Chairman of the General Council, and Leif Pagrotsky, Vice Chairman, in a joint comment on the decision.

The Sveriges Riksbank Act stipulates that there is normally a qualification period of one year before members of the Executive Board can take up a new appointment after leaving the Riksbank as the member possesses knowledge that, if used, could damage the Riksbank. However, the General Council has the authority to determine in individual cases how long this qualification period should be to avoid damaging confidence in the Riksbank. In this case, the General Council’s opinion is that the nature of the new appointment warrants a shorter qualification period. A period of three months is considered appropriate. Eva Srejber will therefore leave her post at the Riksbank immediately, in order to be able, if appointed, to take up a post at the EIB at the end of June/beginning of July.

”There are several reasons why I have made this decision. In recent years I have worked extensively with European issues and I have a strong commitment to Europe. The European Investment Bank does important work with the aim of increasing economic growth in the EU and surrounding area. If I am approved I will have the opportunity to contribute to this development in an exciting environment,” said Eva Srejber, in a comment on her resignation.

There will be an opportunity to put questions to First Deputy Governor Eva Srejber at 4.30 p.m. today, 29 March, at the Riksbank, Brunkebergstorg 11. Press cards must be shown.
