The Riksbank transfers SEK 7.5 billion to the Treasury

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The General Council of the Riksbank has, in accordance with the Sveriges Riksbank Act, presented a proposal to the Riksdag (the Swedish parliament) regarding the allocation of the Riksbank's profit for the financial year 2011. The General Council proposes that SEK 7.5 billion be transferred to the Treasury.

The amount of the proposal has been calculated in accordance with the guidelines applied for the transfer of the Riksbank's profit since 1988. Under these guidelines, 80 per cent of the average profit over the past five years – following certain adjustments – is transferred to the Treasury. The profit is calculated excluding exchange rate and gold value effects, but including the price effects reported in the revaluation account on the balance sheet.

A detailed account of the calculation of the allocation of profit is presented in the Riksbank's submission to the Riksdag 2011/12:RB2 Förslag till disposition av Riksbankens vinst för räkenskapsåret 2011 samt riksbanksfullmäktiges verksamhetsberättelse 2011 (Proposal for the allocation of the Riksbank's profit for the financial year 2011 and the General Council's Annual Report 2011). The submission is available in Swedish only until 30 March 2012 when it will be published in English jointly with the Riksbank’s Annual Report for 2011.


Johan Gernandt, Chairman, General Council, tel. +46-(0)70-714 31 78
Sven-Erik Österberg, Vice Chairman, General Council, tel. +46-(0)8-786 46 65
