New alcohol internet craze ‘irresponsible’ warns Swanswell
A new internet craze encouraging people to drink excessively in a short space of time before nominating others to do it is irresponsible and harmful, warns Swanswell.
The national recovery charity, which wants to achieve a society free from problem alcohol and drug use, is urging people to consider the risks of taking part in the game called ‘Neknominate’, which has become increasingly popular on social media sites.
Thought to have started in Australia, it involves the user completing a drinking dare and then nominating someone else to continue the game – if they don’t , they’re ridiculed online according to reports (Daily Mirror).
Thousands of ‘Neck and nominate’ videos have appeared online and many involve extreme dares using dangerous levels of alcohol.
Debbie Bannigan, Swanswell’s Chief Executive, said: ‘What – to some – could seem like a bit of fun can quickly spiral out of control, with potentially fatal consequences.
‘Drinking excessively in a short space of time, or binge drinking, will make you drunk very quickly and could lead to accidents, affect your mood and memory, and can be a factor in crime and violence. In extreme cases, overdosing on alcohol can lead to death.
‘Games that encourage people to drink excessively and ridicule those who don’t are irresponsible, so if you’re invited to take part, think twice about doing so.
‘However, if you or a friend do decide to join in, look out for the warning signs of alcohol poisoning and get medical help immediately if you believe someone may be experiencing them.’
Signs of alcohol poisoning include loss of coordination, confusion, vomiting, irregular or slow breathing, blue-tinged or pale skin, seizures, low body temperature, stupor and unconsciousness (Drinkaware).
If someone is displaying signs of alcohol poisoning: don’t leave them to sleep it off; don’t give them coffee; don’t make them sick; don’t walk them around; don’t put them under a cold shower; and don’t let them drink any more alcohol – but do call 999 immediately.
For more information or supporting photographs, contact:
Stuart Goodwin
PR and Public Policy Manager
Suite 5
Hilton House
Corporation Street
CV21 2DN
T 01788 559422
M 07531 490490
About Swanswell
At Swanswell, we believe in a society free from problem alcohol and drug use; that everyone deserves the chance to change and be happy.
We’re a market leading charity with an exciting programme of innovative new service developments and a team of committed people who are working hard to achieve our ambitions.
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