Andreas Gyllenhammar appointed Chief Sustainability Officer at Sweco

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Andreas Gyllenhammar has been appointed as Chief Sustainability Officerat Sweco, where his primary task will be to further develop and coordinate the company’s sustainable services in Sweden.

“Andreas’ role as strategist and business developer with a focus on sustainability is very important. Sustainable development is the foundation for our services and we are seeing continuously expanding business opportunities related to sustainability,” says Eva Nygren, President of Sweco Sweden.
Andreas Gyllenhammar, who is one of Sweden’s highly qualified sustainability consultants, will also be responsible for coordinating and ensuring the Sweco employees’ knowledge development in the sustainability area.

“Sweco’s combined expertise is an enormous asset and the more we cross-link this knowledge, the better we can contribute to sustainable development of society,” says Andreas Gyllenhammar.
In the past year Andreas Gyllenhammar has alternated his job as a consultant at Sweco in Östersund with a role as environmental and climate strategist at Sweco. He holds a master’s degree in environmental and water engineering and wrote his thesis on environmental analysis. Andreas has previously worked as an environmental scientist active in water-related research and in environmental monitoring for the county administrative board.


For additional information contact:
Andreas Gyllenhammar, Sustainability Manager, Sweco Sweden, +46 70-679 72 25
Rebecka Gunner, Head of Communication, Sweco Sweden, +46 734-126675,

