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  • Sweco to conduct feasibility study for floating solar technology in Uganda

Sweco to conduct feasibility study for floating solar technology in Uganda

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Sweco has been tasked with conducting a feasibility study for floating solar technology at hydroelectric dams in Uganda and a detailed design of a pilot plant. The floating solar technology will diversify Uganda’s energy mix that currently mainly comprises hydroelectric power. 

The panels will be placed on a dam reservoir connected to one of the country’s hydroelectric plants. Sweco is to conduct a preliminary assessment at four hydroelectric dams in Uganda to determine which one is most suitable for the construction of a solar power facility. Following this, a detailed study and design will be conducted with specifications to enable the procurement of contractors, financial calculations and the evaluation of environmental aspects as data for investment decisions. 

“This is a new technological field that is highly attractive for power companies, private investors and financiers. The energy sector is conducting an increasing number of innovative projects and Sweco has great ambitions to participate in international initiatives to contribute to the green transition,” says Conny Udd, Division Manager for Energy and Industry, Sweco Sweden. 

The key expertise of Sweco’s export operations is to compile and manage teams consisting of international and local players with the right skills and cost for each unique project. This can be achieved thanks to a comprehensive international network. For this project, Sweco will be collaborating with two consultancy companies from France and one from Germany as well as with Ugandan subcontractors.

The project is set to commence immediately and is planned to last for 21 months with key deliverables comprising a feasibility study report and a detailed design of a pilot floating solar photovoltaic plant, FPV. The total order value is SEK 8 million. 

Sweco’s project is part of an agreement between the governments of Sweden and Uganda financed by Swedfund. Swedfund, a state-owned company, is Sweden’s development finance institution and aims to contribute to poverty reduction through sustainable investments in the world’s poorest countries. The client is Uganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd (UEGCL).

For additional information, please contact:

Cecilia Strömmar, Head of Press Sweco Sweden, cecilia.strommar@sweco.se, +46 10-484 50 20

Sweco plans and designs the sustainable communities and cities of the future. Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 18,500 architects, engineers and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable. Sweco is Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy, with sales of approximately SEK 23 billion (EUR 2.2 billion). The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. www.swecogroup.com.




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