SWECO to improve roads in Dalarna region

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SWECO VBB has been awarded a contract worth an estimated EUR 750,000 to plan and design parts of Road 293 in the Dalarna region of central Sweden. The assignment is being carried out on behalf of the Swedish National Road Administration.

“The section between Ängesgårdarna and Falun is in need of reinforcement. We will also be planning approaches and exits, as well as extending and linking together the walking and bicycle paths along this part of the road,” says Mats Påhlsson, Managing Director of SWECO VBB. SWECO VBB’s tasks will include overseeing procurement of contractors and preparation of building documents. The assignment will be carried out as a collaborative project in which the contractors are involved at an early stage of the planning and design process. SWECO VBB will also perform environmental impact (EIA) and child consequence analyses. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2007.
