Sweco to study Swedish lakes and waterways

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Some 50 lakes and waterways and 40 marine measuring stations are now being put to the test. Sweco has been chosen to measure and evaluate the presence of chemicals such as nonylphenol, tributyltin and a number of pesticides.

A total of around 40 chemical substances will be investigated in a study that has been launched now that parts of the EU Water Framework Directive have started to apply in Sweden within the Ordinance (2004:660) on Water Quality Management. Sweco has extensive experience in measuring levels of chemicals in lakes and waterways, interpreting the results and assessing the environmental risks associated with various substances. “We see good opportunities for similar assignments in the future. There is also an urgent need to prepare plans for improvement of water quality. These services are in demand throughout Europe,” says Eva Nygren, President of Sweco Sweden. The lakes covered by the study are located in the Northern Baltic Sea water district, which includes the counties of Stockholm, Uppsala, Södermanland, Örebro, Västmanland, Östergötland and Dalarna.


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