Sweco wins contract for expansion of wastewater treatment plant in Oslo

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One of the city of Oslo’s municipal wastewater treatment facilities, Bekkelaget, will be enlarged to double its current capacity. Sweco has been chosen to study and propose a number of technical solutions that will create the conditions for the plant’s future expansion. Experts from Sweco’s units in Sweden and Norway are working together in the assignment.

At present Bekkelagret is dimensioned to serve an average of around 240,000 people per day. Because the area of Oslo covered by the plant is undergoing rapid population growth, plans are being made to double the facility’s capacity by the year 2030.

The wastewater treatment plant is built on a rock foundation, which presents a number of challenges. Sweco’s consultants have been active in planning and design of wastewater treatment facilities for more than 100 years. Several of the plants Sweco has worked on in recent years are also built on rock, such as those in Henriksdal, Bromma and Käppala.

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Sweco’s consultants in Sweden will be responsible for developing principles for technical solutions to be used in the machinery and processes and systems for monitoring and control. Their Norwegian colleagues are responsible for drawing up a detail plan for the area. The contract is worth several million kronor.

There is also an option to extend the contract when the project advances to the detail planning stage.

For further information please contact:

Hans Nilsson, Project Manager at Sweco, +46 (0)8-695 62 96, hans.nilsson@sweco.se
Bo Carlsson, President of Sweco Environment, +46 (0)8-695 63 03, bo.carlsson@sweco.se

Sweco is an international consulting group with combined expertise in consulting engineering, environmental technology and architecture. Sweco has about 5,900 employees in 11 countries and recorded annual sales of approximately SEK 5.3 billion in 2010. The company has projects currently underway in some 80 countries worldwide. Sweco is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB.

The information contained herein may be subject to the disclosure requirements in the Swedish Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.


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