Sweco wins major energy contracts in Africa worth EUR 8.7 million

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Sweco has been awarded several contracts in Africa. The latest projects are aimed at improving the supply of electricity in several areas of Tanzania and Kenya. The combined contract value amounts to nearly EUR 8.7 million.

“Many parts of Africa still lack access to a sustainable electricity supply. Sweco has longstanding experience of working in Africa and has carried out a number of similar assignments in both urban and rural areas in recent years,” says Eva Nygren, President of Sweco Sweden.

The projects are being carried out on behalf of Tanzania Electric Supply Company and
Rural Electrification Authority (REA) in Kenya, with funding from The African Development Bank, Sida and The World Bank.

Facts about the projects:

  • The first project involves electrification of both rural and semi-urban areas in Mwanza, Shinyanga, Arusha and Dar es Salaam.
  • The second project is focused on rural electrification of districts in the Iringa and Ruvuma regions of Tanzania. Sweco’s services will include preparation of studies and tender documents for a new power transmission line, between Makambako and Songea, and monitoring of the implementation stage.
  • The third project is aimed at knowledge transfer to the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) and support in electrification of 34 areas spread through five regions of Kenya.

For additional information contact:

Anders Ståhl, Project Manager at Sweco, anders.stahl@sweco.se, +46 8-695 60 57


Sweco is an international consulting group with combined expertise in consulting engineering, environmental technology and architecture. Sweco has around 6,000 employees in 11 countries and recorded annual sales of approximately SEK 5.3 billion in 2010. The company has projects currently underway in some 80 countries worldwide. Sweco is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB.

The information contained herein may be subject to the disclosure requirements in the Swedish Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.


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