The new Göteborg Landvetter Airport is taking shape

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Göteborg Landvetter Airport is currently undergoing the largest refurbishment in its history. With added floor space, exciting design and a more attractive range of services, the airport is welcoming a growing number of passengers and providing them with an even better travel experience.

2011 was not just a record year for Göteborg Landvetter Airport in terms of passenger numbers (4.9 million). It was also the year the airport began a transformation to modernise, increase efficiency and provide its halls with unique qualities. With a brand-new security checkpoint for international passengers and a new, greatly expanded international departure hall, completely new levels for services, comfort and well-being are being achieved at the airport.

First phase now complete, with unique security checkpoint
The first phase in this transformation is now complete. On February 9, the new security checkpoint for international passengers will be inaugurated.

“Our new security checkpoint is unique in an airport context. We have given priority to providing passengers with a good experience, naturally with the same level of security as always,” says Olle Sundin, airport director at Göteborg Landvetter.

“With the new checkpoint, we have focused on developing an environment with a lounge feel, which will make a warm, pleasant impression on passengers. It will also be a comfortable setting to work in,” Mr Sundin continues.  

Using a selection of new materials, colours and lighting, an environment has been created that differs from what airport security checkpoints usually look like, where aesthetics are often sacrificed for functionality. “One does not necessarily preclude the other. People should feel secure as well as enjoy a pleasant setting. We are pioneers internationally with this concept,” Mr Sundin notes.

1,000 square metres of new space for shopping, food and beverages
There is intensive work currently underway to create a new international departure hall. Once international passengers have cleared the new security checkpoint, they will find new, expanded areas for shopping and restaurants as well as greater comfort. The new shopping space will be about 1,000 square metres larger than today and designed with a large, open layout for shops, bars, restaurants and cafés.

“We want to create a modern, inviting setting with an open plan that provides a better overview of the selection of services and the different exits to aircraft. When we are finished, it will be light and comfortable, with more and better shopping facilities and a pleasant environment to eat and drink in, and of course easy for passengers to find their way to the gate,” Mr Sundin adds.

Refurbishment of the new international departure hall is expected to be completed in late 2012.

Modern design creates a good atmosphere
Göteborg Landvetter Airport is working steadfastly and taking a concerted approach to create a good atmosphere for travellers passing through the airport on their way out into world. The airport has created a “mood board” with a description of the different types of impressions that passengers will encounter as they make their way through the airport.

“We are working, among other things, with the seasons of the year in different parts of the airport in order to create the right feeling for passengers. At the new security checkpoint, we have tried to create an environment inspired by spring – it should be a warm encounter, soft and gentle, with subdued tones that are reminiscent of rippling water and trees coming into leaf,” explains Charlotte Sandberg, quality coordinator, who is in charge of creating the right atmosphere atGöteborgLandvetterAirport.   

Based on the mood board, different design elements and furnishings have been selected to create the right atmosphere and sense of well-being for passengers. “It is not just a question of finding beautiful things but also finding the right expression for the environment and mood we want to create for passengers,” Ms Sandberg adds.

Lamps, types of wood, textiles, sound absorbers and wastebaskets are all examples of furnishing details that have been chosen with care in order to create the right feel and atmosphere. “Colours, materials and their arrangement intertwine to create an integral experience for passengers to enjoy – but without them paying too much attention to all the details,” Ms Sandberg concludes.

For more information, please contact Mrs. Annika Hilmersson, Director of Communications, tel: (+46 31 941198)

