Change in Swedbank’s nominating committee

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Erik Hägglöv, CEO in Savings bank North and vice Chair in the Savings bank foundations has been appointed as a new member of Swedbank’s nominating committee. He replaces Lennart Ohlstenius as representative of the Savings banks and Savings bank foundations. The change applies from the 13th of february 2009.

After the change, Swedbank’s nominating committee comprises of the following persons:

Torgny Wännström - Representative of AFA Insurance

Hans Laufeld - Representative of the Savings bank foundations Asset Management and of the Savings bank foundations

Erik Hägglöv - Representative of the Savings banks and the Savings bank foundations

Peder Hasslev - Representative of AMF Pension and AMF Pension Mutual Funds

Carl Eric Stålberg - Chair Swedbank

For further information:
Cecilia Hernqvist, Secretary of the nominating committee, phone: +46 8 585 913 23
Anna Sundblad, Press Manager, Swedbank, phone: +46 70 321 39 95


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