FöreningsSparbanken extends period for share repurchase

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FöreningsSparbanken’s board of directors today has decided to extend the period for the repurchase of the bank’s shares until the 2005 annual general meeting. Within the framework of the authorization received from the annual general meeting, the board decided on May 3 to repurchase a maximum of 26 million shares, corresponding to approximately 5 percent of all shares in the bank, during the period through year-end 2004. As previously, repurchases will take into consideration the bank’s capital situation, current regulations and market conditions. The purpose of the repurchase program is to continuously adapt FöreningsSparbanken’s capital structure to its current capital needs. In addition to shares held to facilitate securities operations, FöreningsSparbanken currently owns approximately 14.7 million of its own shares. Updated information on the repurchase is available at www.foreningssparbanken.se/ir. For further information, please contact: Carl Eric Stålberg, Chairman, phone +46 8 585 912 96 Jonas Blomberg, Head of Investor Relations, phone +46 8 585 933 22


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