FöreningsSparbanken's subsidiary Hansabank opens branch in St Petersburg

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Today FöreningsSparbanken's subsidiary Hansabank opened the doors of its branch in St Petersburg. The branch will offer quality bank services to Baltic, Nordic and Russian business customers.

“We see interesting growth opportunities in this extremely dynamic region,” says Jan Lidén, the president and CEO of FöreningsSparbanken.

“With the opening of the St Petersburg branch, we are taking another step in FöreningsSparbanken’s international strategy. Together with our strong presence in the Baltic countries and our branches in Moscow and Helsinki, we are building our capacity to follow our customers when they do business in new countries and between countries,” says Jan Lidén.

Today, Hansabank Russia has around 150 employees.

Hansabank runs leasing operations in Moscow, St Petersburg and Kaliningrad and became a wholly-owned subsidiary of FöreningsSparbanken on 1 July 2005. In September 2005, Hansabank Russia opened its first branch in Moscow. Later this year, another branch will open in Kaliningrad.

A press conference was held at the Swedish Trade Council's trade fair in St Petersburg, in connection with the opening of the branch. Thomas Östros, Sweden’s Minister for Industry and Trade, opened the trade fair and also visited Hansabank’s stand. A photo

of Thomas Östros with Jan Lidén, FöreningsSparbanken’s president and CEO, is attached and may be published freely.

You can read or download FöreningsSparbanken’s report “Investments and business in Russia”, March 2006 at ww.fsb.se/samhallsekonomi.

For more information please contact:

Henrik Kolga, Head of Communications at FöreningsSparbanken, tel: +46 70-811 13 15

Jesper Berggren, Senior Press Officer at FöreningsSparbanken, tel: +46 70

FöreningsSparbanken (Swedbank) is a leading Nordic-Baltic banking group with 8.4 million retail customers and 396,000 corporate customers in Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Together with the co-operating savings banks the group has more than 750 branches in Sweden. In the Baltic countries the group has another 250 branches. Outside of the Nordic-Baltic home markets, the group is present in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Luxembourg, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Shanghai, St.Petersburg and Tokyo. As of December 2005, the group had total assets of SEK 1,200 billion and approximately 15,000 employees. For more information about FöreningsSparbanken, please visit http://www.swedbank.com.


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