Interim report January - March 2010

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First quarter 2010 compared with first quarter 2009

- The result for the period was SEK 536m (-3 358) - Earnings per share were SEK 0.46 (-3.59) - The return on equity was 2.4 per cent (-15.6) - The cost/income ratio was 0.57 (0.49) - Net interest income decreased by 31 per cent to SEK 4 023m (5 803) - Profit before impairments excluding non-recurring items decreased by 38 per cent to SEK 3 276m (5 285) - Net credit impairments amounted to SEK 2 210m (6 845). Provisions for loan losses amounted to SEK 1 781m (6 552). Net write-offs amounted to SEK 429m (293). The credit impairment ratio was 0.64 per cent (1.93) - The Tier 1 capital ratio according to Basel 2 remained unchanged and was 13.5 per cent (13.5 per cent on 31 December 2009). According to transition rules, it decreased to 10.3 per cent (10.4). The core Tier 1 capital ratio was 12.3 per cent (12.0) according to Basel 2 and 9.4 per cent (9.2) according to transition rules. Please read the full report in the pdf-document attached or on


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