Nominations to Swedbank’s Board of Directors 2009

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Swedbank’s nomination committee has proposed as new members of the Board; Anders Igel, Pia Rudengren, Anders Sundström and Karl-Henrik Sundström.

The nomination committee further suggests re-election of Carl Eric Stålberg as Chair of the Board and re-election of Ulrika Francke, Berith Hägglund-Marcus and Helle Kruse Nielsen as members of the Board.

Gail Buyske, Simon F.D Ellis, Göran Johnsson and Anders Nyblom have declined re-election.

“The nomination committee has conducted an un-conditional evaluation of the entire Board and each Director. The objective has been to incorporate new experiences whilst ensuring that continuity and knowledge of Swedbank remains represented on the Board” Hans Laufeld, Chair of the nomination committee.

”Our conclusion is that each Board member must be prepared to invest extensive effort in this commitment which has also been a criterion during the election process. The new Board composition represents members from the Nordic countries, which is of greater importance at the moment than a broad international recruitment. The new Board of Directors bring with them extensive track-records from industries, geographical areas and situations which are of value to Swedbank. At the same time the nomination committee express its continued united confidence in Carl Eric Stålberg as the Chair of Swedbank. He has in-depth knowledge of Swedbank, the personal relationships which are essential on the Swedish and international financial markets, is an experienced banker with insights of earlier financial crisis and will continue offer support to Swedbank’s new CEO.

The nomination committee propose that the lawyer Axel Calissendorff will Chair the Annual General Meeting 2009.

The nomination committee suggests unchanged remuneration for the Board during the next election period.

The proposal is supported by owners representing more than 45 percent of the votes and capital in Swedbank.

The annual general meeting for Swedbank AB 2009 will take place at the Royal Opera (Kungliga Operan) in Stockholm at 11am, 24 April 2009.

The nomination committee has the following members:

Erik Hägglöv (replacing Lennart Ohlstenius) - representative for Sparbankerna and Sparbankernas Riksförbund

Hans Laufeld - Chair of the election committee, representantive for Sparbanksstiftelsernas Förvaltningsaktiebolag and Sparbanksstiftelser

Torgny Wännström - representantive for AFA Försäkring

Peder Hasslev - representative for AMF Pension and AMF Pension Fondförvaltning AB

Carl Eric Stålberg - Chair of the Board of Directors Swedbank

Carl Eric Stålberg has not participated in the decision of electing the Chair.

For further information:
Hans Laufeld, Chair of the election committee, telephone +46 70 684 29 80
Carl Eric Stålberg, Chair of the Board of Directors, telephone +46 8 585 912 96
Anna Sundblad, Press Officer, telephone +46 70 321 39 95

Appendix 1 – Short biographies of the new members of the Board of Directors
Appendix 2 – Short biographies of re-elected members of the Board Directors

Appendix 1

Short biographies of the new members of the Board of Directors

Anders Igel
Anders Igel was the CEO of Telia Sonera for close to five year during which he lead the expansion into the Baltics, Russia and the Ukraine. Prior to this he held the position as CEO of Esselte, a world leading producer of office solutions. Anders Igel has twenty years of experience of various leading roles at Ericsson, most recently as Executive Vice President. Anders Igel has degrees both from the Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm School of Economics, as well as a Post Graduate MBA - International Senior Management Program from Harvard Business School.

Pia Rudengren
Pia Rudengren has previously held the position as CFO of Investor and Executive Vice President of W Capital Management AB. Pia Rudengren has a long and broad experience from various Board assignments in numerous industries and companies. Currently, Pia Rudengren is a Board member of Tikkurila Oy, Biophausia AB, Varyag Resources AB, and Duni AB, she has also been a member of Q-Med’s Board for six years, three of which she served as Chair. Pia Rudengren is also nominated as a Board of Director at Metso OY. Pia Rudengren holds a degree from Stockholm School of Economics.

Anders Sundström
Anders Sundström is the CEO of Folksam since 2004. He has a broad background in both business as well as the public sector. He has been the CEO of Sparbanken Nord and a Member of Parliament and minister for the labour market as well as health and social affairs. Anders Sundström is currently the Chair of Luleå Tekniska Universitet, and a board member of ALKA, Boliden and Vattenfall.

Karl-Henrik Sundström
Karl-Henrik Sundström is the CFO and Executive Vice President of the Dutch firm NXP, a world leading producer of semi-conductors since 2008. He has previously held the position as CFO of Ericsson after a role as the Head of Ericssons’ Global Services Operations and Country Head in Australia and Nya Zeeland. Karl-Henrik Sundström was awarded as Europe’s best CFO 2003, 2004 and 2005 by Institutional Investor Magazine. Karl-Henrik Sundström holds a degree in business administration from Uppsala University and enrolled in the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.

Appendix 2

Short biographies of re-elected members of the Board of Directors

Carl Eric Stålberg
Member since 2001
Chair since 2003
B.Sc. in Business Administration and Economics
Bank specific experience:
Operative: 20 years
Board: 7 years
Other employment experience:
President and CEO of JM AB
Executive Vice President and CFO of Sparbanken Sverige AB
Executive Vice President and Head of the Central Region Sparbanken Sverige AB
Executive Vice President Sparbanksgruppen AB
President Nya Sparbanken and Gävleborgs Sparbank

Ulrika Francke
Member since 2002
Second Deputy Chair since 2003
Deputy Chair since 2006
University studies
Bank specific experience:
Board: 15 years
Other employment experience:
President and CEO, Thyréns AB
President, SBC Sveriges Bostadsrättscentrum AB
Head of Administration, City of Stockholm
President of Fastighets AB Brommastaden

Berith Hägglund-Marcus
Member since 2005
B.Sc. in Business Administration and Economics
Bank specific experience:
Board: 15 years
Other employment experience:
Director HR Group Staff & Functions AB Electrolux
Senior Vice President, Electrolux IT
President and member of Electrolux IT Solutions Sverige AB
Organisation and marketing manager Nordic region, Electrolux-Euroclean
Logistics manager Nordic region, Electrolux-Euroclean
Market support manager Nordic region, Electrolux-Euroclean
Finance and administration manager, Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers
Financial controller Bonnier Group – Åhlen & Åkerlunds Förlag AB

Helle Kruse Nielsen
Member since 2008
B.Sc. in Business Administration and Economics
Bank specific experience:
Board: 1 year
Other employment experience:
Head of the European division “Food” in the American company Mars Inc. and previously as President in its Scandinavian subsidiary
Marketing Director Denofa and Lilleborg, Norway


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