Swedbank reporting of mortgage loan volumes in February 2021
Due to a calendar effect, amortisation payments of mortgage loans for February will be included in the reporting to Statistics Sweden (SCB) in March. This affects the February mortgage loan volume that SCB will publish today.
Amortisation payments of SEK 950m in Swedbank Hypotek’s reporting for February were booked on 1 March. This means that the information for February published by Statistics Sweden today regarding Swedbank Hypotek’s mortgage loan volume has not been compiled from complete data.
SCB will not make any corrections to the reported February figure. In order to reflect the actual figure, especially for the calculation of market shares, the reported February mortgage loan volume for Swedbank Hypotek AB (1B30151A Lending, Swe, Collateral housing, Households) should be reduced by SEK 950m to include the amortisation payments.
Annie Ho, Head of Investor Relations, +46 70 343 7815
Unni Jerndal, Head of Group Press Office, +46 73 092 1180
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