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  • Swedbank Robur awarded best fund manager in the Nordic Region for the third consecutive year

Swedbank Robur awarded best fund manager in the Nordic Region for the third consecutive year

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For the third consecutive year, Swedbank Robur has been named the best fund manager in the Nordic region by the international analyst firm Lipper. The prize “Best Fund Group over Three Years, Overall Group Large” was received at an awards ceremony in Stockholm yesterday. Swedbank Robur received another six awards for individual funds.

"We have been named best fund manager for three consecutive years which shows that success of our management model. Although the markets have been under a lot of stress this last year we are proud to be able to offer our customers award winning funds,” says Mats Lagerqvist, President of Swedbank Robur.

Småbolagsfond Sverige (Equity Sweden Small and Mid Caps), Kommunikationsfond (Equity Sector Technology, Media and Telecommunication), Realinvest (Equity Sector Real Estate Holdings Global) were named five year winners. Obligationsfond MEGA (Bond Swedish Krona) were named ten year winner and Räntefond Europa (Bond Europe) were named fund winner for both five and ten year.

For further information, please contact:
Pär Bäckman, Head of Information, Swedbank Robur, telephone: +46 706 55 92 33
Sara Hägg, Press Liaison, Swedbank Robur, telephone: +46-730 45 27 57


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