Swedbank Robur reduces fund fees

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Swedbank Robur is implementing a reduction of the fees for five fund of funds. The fees will be reduced with as much as 0.4 percentage points.

”These reductions are in line with our ambition to offer an attractive product range with competitive prices. We are always looking for improvements and when it comes to these funds we have identified an opportunity to adjust the fees. It is our strong belief that this new fee structure will be more distinct for our customers since it is easier to understand the relationship between the fund fee and the risk level of the fund”, says Mats Lagerqvist, President of Swedbank Robur. Swedbank Robur offers fund of funds under the product name Access. This product category is specifically developed for customers who do not have the time to change their fund portfolio from one day to the other. The managers of these funds can choose to invest in funds from Swedbank Robur as well as from other international fund managers. “These products are highly appreciated by customers who want a well diversified portfolio. The customers also get access to markets which are otherwise rather inaccessible. The funds deliver not only diversification but also an active reallocation of the underlying funds. Altogether Swedbank Roburs Access funds are an attractive investment alternative for many of our customers and through the reduction of fees we will be even more competitive in terms of pricing”, says Mats Lagerqvist. Name/ Previous fee/ New fee Swedbank Robur Access Offensiv / 1.8%/ 1.6% Swedbank Robur Access Modig / 1.8%/ 1.5% Swedbank Robur Access Balanserad/ 1.8%/ 1.4% Swedbank Robur Access Försiktig/ 1.2%/ 0.8% Swedbank Robur Access Trygg / 0.8%/ 0.7% The new fees will take effect from 1 October 2009. For further information: Mats Lagerqvist, President of Swedbank Robur AB, +46 8-585 9 24 00 Pär Bäckman, informationschef, +46 8-585 920 89, +46 70-655 92 33


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