Biovitrum has Successfully Completed the First Phase I Trial of its 5-HT6 Receptor Antagonist (BVT.74316)

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Biovitrum's 5-HT6 receptor antagonist  (BVT.74316), intended for  the
treatment of obesity, controls food  intake by stimulating the  sense
of satiety in the brain.
A clinical  phase I  trial  of BVT.74316  has now  been  successfully
completed. This  first clinical  study, with  the objective  to  test
safety and tolerability in  escalating single-dose and  repeated-dose
administration was  started  in August  2006.  In total,  98  healthy
volunteers have participated in the study. A safe and tolerable  dose
has been identified.

- This  project  does not  fall  within  the new  business  focus  of
Biovitrum since part of our  strategy is to out-license primary  care
indication projects. It is therefore natural that we do not  continue
to drive the  development of this  program further, says  Biovitrum's
CEO Martin Nicklasson.  Instead we work  on re-focusing our  research
and other activities  to the  development of  specialist care  drugs,
directed towards small patient groups with large unmet medical needs.
In this area we already have a strong portfolio with four projects in
clinical phase  I and  II and  products that  we sell  in the  Nordic
Now, having reached this  milestone the project  will be offered  for
out-licensing, Martin Nicklasson concludes.

About Biovitrum

Biovitrum is one of the  largest biopharma companies in Europe.  With
operations in Sweden and  in the UK  Biovitrum conducts research  and
develops pharmaceuticals for unmet medical needs both for  conditions
that affect  smaller patient  populations  and for  common  diseases.
Biovitrum has  currently  a broad  and  balanced R&D  portfolio  with
several projects  in  clinical  and  preclinical  phases  within  for
instance   blood   diseases.   Biovitrum   develops   and    produces
protein-based drugs on  a contractual  basis and markets  a range  of
specialist  pharmaceuticals  primarily   in  the  Nordic   countries.
Biovitrum has revenues  of approximately SEK  1.2 billion and  around
500 employees. Biovitrum's share is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange
in Stockholm  since  September 15,  2006.  For more  information  see

For more information, contact:

Biovitrum AB (publ)

Martin Nicklasson,
Phone: +46 8 697 20 00

Anna Karin Källén, Vice President, Corporate Communications
Phone: +46 8 697 20 85, Cell phone: +46 73 433 20 85


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