Biovitrum Interim Report January 1st - September 30th, 2009

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Continued top line growth and positive R&D progress
- rFIXFc advances into registrational trial

July - September

*            Total revenues before licensing revenues for the  period
             increased by 10 percent to SEK 274.2 M (250.0).
               Q3 sales of Kineret® and Kepivance® in local  currency
             were the highest since Biovitrum acquired the products
*            Operating result was SEK -34.1 M (10.4). Profit for  the
             period amounted to SEK 7.9 M (9.8), which is  equivalent
             to earnings per share of SEK 0.16 (0.21).
*            Cash flow from operations was SEK -7.4 (-25.5). Cash and
             cash  equivalents  and  short-term  investments  as   of
             September 30 amounted to SEK 309.4 M (534.1).
*            The last  patient in  the rFIXFc  hemophilia B  clinical
             phase I/II study was recruited.
*            Aloxi® was recommended by the Multinational  Association
             for Supportive Care in  Cancer and the European  Society
             of Medical Oncology  as the  preferred 5-HT3  antagonist
             for emesis  prevention  in  patients  undergoing  highly
             emetogenic chemotherapy.

January - September

*            Total revenues before licensing revenues increased by 37
             percent to SEK 949.3 M (693.8) driven mainly by Kineret®
             and Kepivance®. Profit  for the period  amounted to  SEK
             1.0 M (-88.8), which is equivalent to earnings per share
             of SEK 0.02 (-1.94).
*            Cash flow from operations was SEK -90.5 M (-124.0).

Events after the period

*            Biovitrum and Biogen Idec announced decision to  advance
             long-acting  hemophilia  B   therapy  (rFIXFc)  into   a
             registrational trial based  upon the successful  outcome
             of a phase I/II clinical trial.
*            An open label exploratory  phase II study on  ExinaldaTM
             (rhBSSL) in patients with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic
             insufficiency was completed. The  primary end point  was
             not met (CFA).  Biovitrum is  currently evaluating  next
*            A  Letter   of  Intent   was  signed   with   Proximagen
             Neuroscience  plc  ("Proximagen"),  according  to  which
             Proximagen will  acquire Biovitrum's  UK based  research
             unit Cambridge Biotechology Ltd (CBT).

CEO comments:
"The third quarter showed both a gratifying sales development for our
marketed products and a continued good progress of our prioritized
R&D projects. In particular, the sales of Kineret and Kepivance in
local currency were the highest since Biovitrum acquired the
products. The financial performance for the quarter as well as for
the nine month period is yet another step forward becoming a
profitable company. I am particularly pleased that we after the
period have decided to move the hemophilia B project (rFIXFc) into
the final registrational development phase, based on successful
outcome of a phase I/II clinical trial. Furthermore the sale of our
UK research company is also highly satisfying and in line with the
transformation of our business. In order to drive future growth, we
continue to strengthen our commercial infrastructure needed for our
key products", says CEO Martin Nicklasson.

For further information, please contact
Martin Nicklasson, CEO
Phone: +46 8 697 25 45

Göran Arvidson, CFO
Cell phone: +46 8 697 23 27

Erik Kinnman, EVP Investor Relations
Cell phone: +46 73 422 15 40

About Biovitrum
Biovitrum is  an international  pharmaceutical company  that  markets
specialist pharmaceuticals in  several regions.  Using its  expertise
and experience Biovitrum takes scientific innovation to patients with
significant unmet medical need.  Research expertise and  capabilities
are  focused   on  development   and  production   of   biotechnology
therapeutics   within   our   prioritized   areas   of    hemophilia,
inflammation/autoimmune  diseases,   cancer   supportive   care   and
malabsorption. The  company has  revenues  of approximately  SEK  1.2
billion and around 400 employees. The company head office is  located
in Sweden and it is listed on the Stockholm OMX Nordic Exchange.  For
more information please visit

Biovitrum AB (publ) may be required to disclose the information
provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The
information was provided for public release on October 22, 2009 at
08:01 a.m. CET.


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