CEO Martin Nicklasson leaves Swedish Orphan Biovitrum

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Stockholm,  Sweden November 25, 2010 - Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (STO:SOBI) today
announced  that CEO Martin Nicklasson will leave  the company.  The search for a
new  CEO  will  be  initiated  immediately.   Kennet  Rooth,  currently  head of
marketing and sales, has agreed to assume the position as interim CEO for SOBI.
Based  upon the growth aspirations, the emerging late stage clinical development
pipeline  and  the  continuous  increasing  commercial  portfolio, Swedish Ophan
Biovitrum  is entering into a new phase in its development. Therefore, the board
of  directors  initiated  a  dialogue  with  CEO Martin Nicklasson regarding the
profile  needed to match the next phase  the company is entering into. The Board
of  Directors and Martin Nicklasson  have jointly come to  the conclusion that a
new leadership is desired for the company going forward. Kennet Rooth, currently
Head  of Sales and Marketing, has agreed to stay with the company and assume the
position  as interim  CEO for  SOBI until  a new  CEO has been recruited. Martin
Nicklasson will leave SOBI on January 1, 2011.

"On  the behalf  of the  whole board  we want  to express  our gratitude  to the
excellent  job that Martin Nicklasson has done over the last 3 years. Martin has
been  material in  transforming Biovitrum  from a  research company  focusing on
small molecular drugs, to become a niche specialty pharma leader in the field of
rare  diseases with an attractive pipeline  of biological drugs. With the recent
acquisition and integration of Swedish Orphan International, Martin hands over a
well-reputed  leading international company and a platform to build further on",
says SOBI's Chairman Bo Jesper Hansen.

"After  the successful transformation of Biovitrum,  followed by the creation of
SOBI,  now is a good time for a new  leader to take the company forward into the
future.  I will  now have  the opportunity  to evaluate  different non-executive
opportunities, says Martin Nicklasson.

For more information please contact
Bo Jesper Hansen, Chairman of the Board
Phone: +46 767 82 02 83

About Swedish Orphan Biovitrum

Swedish  Orphan  Biovitrum  is  a  Swedish  based  orphan  drug  niche specialty
pharmaceutical  company with  an international  market presence.  The company is
focused  on providing and developing specialist pharmaceuticals for rare disease
patients  and for patients with high unmet medical needs. The portfolio consists
of  about 60 marketed products  and an emerging  late stage clinical development
pipe-line.  Our focus  areas are:  hemophilia, inflammation/autoimmune diseases,
fat  malabsorption,  cancer  and  inherited  metabolic disorders. Swedish Orphan
Biovitrum  had pro-forma revenues  2009e of about 2 BSEK  and approximately 500
employees.  The head office  is located in  Sweden and the  share (STO: SOBI) is
listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information please

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum may be required to disclose the information provided
herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was
provided for public release on November 25, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. CET.


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