Interim financial report for the period 1 January to 31 March, 2010

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Key products demonstrate continued strong growth. Revenues and EBITA amounted to
488 MSEK and 55 MSEK, respectively.
  * Pro forma product revenues increased by 10% in Constant Exchange Rate (CER).
  * Sales of Kineret(®) increased by 12% in CER and by 1% in SEK
  * Sales of Orfadin(®) increased by 21% in CER and by 9% in SEK
  * Total ReFacto(®) revenues were 74 MSEK in CER lower than previous year due
    to annual phasing of manufacturing shipments to Pfizer and a lower royalty
  * Product revenues in Europe increased by 8% in CER  corresponding to -1% in
  * Product revenues in North America increased by 13% in CER corresponding to
    -3% in SEK
  * Biovitrum AB (publ) completed the acquisition of Swedish Orphan
    International Holding AB on January 14
  * Previously agreed future sales milestones for Kineret(®) and Kepivance(®)
    were pre-paid to Amgen
  * The rFVIIIFc and rFIXFc collaboration agreement with Biogen Idec was
  * The first patients were included in the rFIXFc registrational study, B-LONG
  * This report contains an outlook for 2010 and long term objectives

Events after the period

  * Cyanokit(®) market territory was expanded on April 1
  * Willfact(® )was launched in Germany on April 8
  * An exclusive European distribution agreement with Pharming was signed for
    Rhucin(®) on April 15
  * The decision to advance Kiobrina® into a phase III development was announced
    on April 21

Comments from CEO

Martin Nicklasson, CEO, said: It is pleasing to note that the first interim
report for the new company, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum, demonstrates a strong
underlying product performance. The integration of the two companies is working
well. New product launches are under way, the development pipe line is making
further progress and new business development deals have been signed, which
create future growth opportunities.

Conference call details
The  presentation of  the Interim  Report, 1 January  to 31 March  2010, will be
presented  by Swedish  Orphan Biovitrum´s  CEO Martin  Nicklasson and  CFO Göran
Arvidson. The presentation will be held in English and webcasted.

 Time:               Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 2 p.m. (CET)

 Venue:             IVA (Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskaps Akademin), Grev Turegatan
16, Stockholm.

Telephone dial in: UK: +44 (0) 207 509 5139, Sweden: +46 (0)8 505 202 70, US: +1
718 354 1226

The presentation material will be published on our web site after the meeting as
will the archived web cast, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Erik Kinnman, Investor Relations                         phone +46
73 422 15 40

About Swedish Orphan Biovitrum
On  January 14, 2010, Biovitrum AB  (publ) completed  the acquisition of Swedish
Orphan International Holding AB and created Swedish Orphan Biovitrum - a leading
company focused on treatment of rare diseases.

Swedish  Orphan Biovitrum  is a  Swedish based  specialty pharmaceutical company
with  an international market presence. The  company is focused on providing and
developing  orphan and  niche specialist  pharmaceuticals to  patients with high
medical  needs.  The  portfolio  consists  of  about 60 marketed products and an
emerging late stage clinical development pipe-line within rare diseases. Swedish
Orphan  Biovitrum has pro-forma revenues 2009e of about 2 BSEK and approximately
500 employees.  The head office is located in Sweden and the share (STO: BVT) is
listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

For more information please visit <>

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum may be required to disclose the information provided
herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial
Instruments Trading Act. The information was provided for public release on
April 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. CET.


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