Interim financial report for the period 1st January to 30th September, 2010

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Weak  European performance  in the  third quarter,  offset by continued US sales

Third quarter revenues and EBITA, excluding restructuring costs, amounted to SEK
444 M and SEK 63 M, respectively

  * Revenues, excluding Tracleer, increased by  5% in Constant Exchange Rate
    (CER) and was unchanged in SEK

      * Sales in North America increased by 16% in CER and by 17% in SEK
      * Sales in Europe decreased by 1% in CER, corresponding to -11% in SEK
      * Sales of Kineret® increased by 2% in CER and decreased by 2% in SEK
      * Sales of Orfadin® increased by 21% in CER and by 14% in SEK
      * Total ReFacto® revenues increased by 4% in CER

  * EBITA, excluding restructuring costs was SEK 63.1 M (proforma 34.0) and core
    EPS was SEK 0.19 (0.20)
  * Net income and EPS amounted to SEK -27.5 M (7.9) and SEK -0.13 (0.08)
  * A Letter of Intent to form a Commercial Alliance with the Chinese company
    Dongbao was announced
  * rFIXFc phase I/II results, showing a three-fold increase in half-life, were
  * Based on positive phase I/II data, a decision to proceed rFVIIIFc into
    Phase III studies was taken. rFVIIIFc also received orphan drug designation
    in Europe
  * Kineret® received orphan drug designation in the US for cryopyrin-associated
    periodic syndromes (CAPS)
  * Xagrid, Fosrenol, and Equasym  distribution agreements will sequentially be
    discontinued during 2011
  * Full year guidance adjusted (see outlook 2010, page 9)

Significant events after the reporting period

  * Sym001 (rozrolimupab) for ITP received orphan drug designation in the US
  * The Exinalda project has been discontinued

CEO Comments

Martin  Nicklasson, CEO, said:  We are seeing  strong continued US sales growth,
directly  linked  to  the  build-up  of  our  Marketing  &  Sales  resources and
activities.  Unfortunately,  since  many  European  countries  are facing budget
troubles,  we have seen a weaker sales  performance in the European market. This
was  particularly manifested at the end of  the third quarter. We have also seen
lately,  a risk adverse  buying pattern on  a wholesaler and distribution level,
with  no  or  delayed  purchase  of  products,  awaiting  the  implementation of
announced  price cuts in some  countries. During the year  an increased level of
parallel  trade has also  occurred. Finally, launches  of new growth products in
Europe  have been delayed  or hampered, and  sales from these  products will not
have  a significant impact until  2011. Due to this, we  have to adjust our full
year guidance.

Conference call details

The  Interim  Report  for  the  third  quarter 2010 will be presented by Swedish
Orphan  Biovitrum´s CEO Martin Nicklasson and CFO  Göran Arvidson at a media and
analyst  telephone conference. The presentation will  be held in English and can
also be followed, direct or retrospectively, by a web cast via internet.

Time:     Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 3.00 p.m. (CET)

Venue: Grand Hôtel, Stockholm Sweden (room "Mårten Vinge")

Please  register for participation to Maria Mattsson on or
by phone  +46 70 438 88 53

To participate in the Telephone Conference

Please  call:            UK:  +44 (0)20 3043 2436, SE: +46 (0)8 505 598 53, US:
+1 866 458 40 87

To  follow the Telephone conference via  web cast, direct or retrospectively by
Internet you will find the link on our web site, please visit:

Contacts for further information

Erik Kinnman, Investor Relations                   phone +46 73 422 15 40
Martin Nicklasson, CEO                                 phone +46 8 697 23 27
Göran Arvidson, CFO                                      phone +46 8 697 23 68

About Swedish Orphan Biovitrum

Swedish  Orphan  Biovitrum  is  a  Swedish  based niche specialty pharmaceutical
company  with  an  international  market  presence.  The  company  is focused on
providing  and developing  specialist pharmaceuticals  for rare disease patients
with  high medical needs.  The portfolio consists  of about 60 marketed products
and  an emerging late stage clinical development pipe-line. Our focus areas are:
hemophilia,   inflammation/autoimmune   diseases,   fat   malabsorption,  cancer
supportive  care and inherited metabolic disorders. Swedish Orphan Biovitrum had
pro-forma  revenues 2009e of about SEK  2 B and approximately 500 employees. The
head  office is located in Sweden and the  share (STO: SOBI) is listed on NASDAQ
OMX Stockholm. For more information please visit

Swedish  Orphan Biovitrum may  be required to  disclose the information provided
herein  pursuant  to  the  Swedish  Securities  Markets Act. The information was
provided for public release on October 26, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. CET.


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