Interim Report 1st April - 30th June, 2009

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Continued strong revenue growth and good progress of R&D projects

April - June

*            Total revenues before license  revenues increased by  31
             percent to SEK 319.9 M (243.8).
*            Operating  result  (EBIT)  was  SEK  -13.1  M   (-98.0).
             Earnings  for  the  period  amounted  to  SEK  16.8  M
             (-96.6), which is equivalent to an earnings per share of
             SEK 0.33 (-2.12).
*            Cash flow from operations was SEK 45.1 (-75.6). Cash and
             cash equivalents and short-term  investments as of  June
             30th amounted to SEK 341.2 M (635.6).
*            Transfer costs related to Kineretâ  and Kepivanceâ  have
             increased the product rights with SEK 39.1 M and will be
             amortized over 15 years.
*            On June 1st,  the launch  of ReFacto AFâ  in Europe  was
*            One  of  the   two  clinical  phase   II  studies   with
             KiobrinaTM, successfully  completed patient  recruitment
             and the  proof of  concept  study with  ExinaldaTM  also
             completed the enrolment of patients.
*            A clinical  phase  II study  is  proceeding well  at  23
             clinics  in  Europe   to  study  the   safety  and   the
             therapeutic efficacy of Sym001 in ITP patients. Two dose
             cohorts have been  treated, and  the independent  safety
             committee has recommended to  continue to the next  dose
*            Out-licensing and  divestment of  primary care  projects
             continue. On June 22nd , Biovitrum signed a Transferring
             Agreement with iNovacia  AB to  continue development  of
             two metabolic disease projects.
*            A new  performance based,  long term  share program  was
             initiated and  231,585  new  series  C  shares  will  be
*            Peter Sellei and  Hans Glemstedt from  Investor AB  were
             elected new  members  of  the Board,  Håkan  Åström  was
             re-elected Chairman of  the Board  and the  rest of  the
             2008 Board members  were re-elected  except from  Anders
             Hultin and Toni  Weitzberg from Nordic  Capital who  had
             declined re-election

January - June

*            Total revenues before license  revenues increased by  52
             percent to SEK 675.1 M (443.8). Earnings for the  period
             amounted to SEK -6.9 M  (-98.7), which is equivalent  to
             an earnings per share of SEK -0.14 (-2.16).
*            Cash flow from operations was SEK -83.1 M (-98.5).

Events after the period

*            Biovitrum has entered into an exclusive distribution and
             marketing agreement with Megapharm Ltd. allowing Kineret
             and Kepivance to be commercialized in Israel.
*            Biovitrum has  selected  The  Bank of  New  York  Mellon
             (NYSE: BK),  as  the depositary  bank  for its  Level  I
             American Depositary Receipt (ADR) program.

CEO comments:
"In 2009 we have successfully continued our  transformation of
Biovitrum into an international pharmaceutical company, which is
reflected both by a gratifying sales development for our marketed
products, and a good progress of our R&D projects. At the same time,
we further divested non-core projects, of which the agreement with
iNovacia regarding two projects is a good example. We  continue
strengthening the infrastructure needed for our key products and
going forward, we intend to grow both organically and through
acquisitions", says CEO Martin Nicklasson.

For further information, please contact
Martin Nicklasson, CEO
Phone: +46 8 697 2545

Göran Arvidson, CFO
Cell phone: +46 8 697 23 27

Erik Kinnman, EVP Investor Relations
Cell phone: +46 73 422 15 40

About Biovitrum
Biovitrum is an international pharmaceutical company that markets
specialist pharmaceuticals in several regions. Using its expertise
and experience Biovitrum takes scientific innovation to patients with
significant unmet medical need. Research expertise and capabilities
are focused on development and production of biotechnology
therapeutics within our prioritized areas of hemophilia,
inflammation/autoimmune diseases, cancer supportive care and
malabsorption. The company has revenues of approximately SEK 1.2
billion and around 400 employees. The company head office is located
in Sweden and it is listed on the Stockholm OMX Nordic Exchange. For
more information please visit

Biovitrum AB (publ) may be required to disclose the information
provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The
information was provided for public release on July 23, 2009 at 08:30
a.m. CET.


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