Interim Report January - September, 2011

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Product  growth and  operating expense  controls evident  in the  quarter, lower
gross margin mainly due to currency and plant maintenance.
Geoffrey  McDonough, CEO: Sobi continues to  make progress in its transformation
towards  becoming  a  more  focused  and profitable innovative biopharmaceutical
company  dedicated to  rare disease  patients. The  third quarter highlights the
growth  of our core business lines (Kineret®, Orfadin®, ReFacto® manufacturing),
as well as good performance from our launch products. In addition to focusing on
the  performance of our portfolio, we are  establishing a direct presence in the
United States, and expect to have a fully operational subsidiary in place at the
beginning  of 2012. We are streamlining the company's expense structure based on
previously announced restructuring and additional cost controls. Progress in our
late stage programs is on track and will also continue be a key value driver for

Third quarter
  * Total revenues increased by 1% to SEK 447.1 M (444.0), and by 10% adjusted
    for currency effects and discontinued products.
  * Sales from the existing product portfolio rose by 8% adjusted for currency
  * Gross margin declined, mainly due to manufacturing plant maintenance in the
    quarter and currency effects.
  * Operating expenses were lower, reflecting the ongoing streamlining of
  * The outlook for the full year 2011 is unchanged. However, the company will
    evaluate several items in the balance sheet which could amount to a write-
    down of up to SEK 350 M in Q4 2011, with limited cash flow effect.

For more information, please contact:
Lars Sandström, CFO, Phone: +46 8 697 26 33

About Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi)
Sobi is a leading European specialty pharmaceutical company focused on providing
and  developing specialty  pharmaceuticals for  patients with  rare diseases and
significant medical needs. The portfolio comprises about
60 marketed   products,  as  well  as  projects  in  late  clinical  phase.  Key
therapeutic  areas are  hematological diseases,  autoimmune diseases, hereditary
metabolic  disorders and therapeutic oncology. In  2010 Sobi had revenues of SEK
1.9 billion  and approximately 500 employees. The share (STO: SOBI) is listed on
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information please

The  above  information  has  been  made  public  in accordance with the Swedish
Securities  Market  Act  and/or  the  Financial  Instruments  Trading  Act.  The
information was released for public distribution on 20 October 2011 at 8.30 CET.


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