Resolutions from Biovitrum's AGM

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The  Biovitrum Annual General Meeting (AGM)  convened earlier today in Stockholm
and voted in favour of all resolutions proposed at the meeting, including:
The  AGM approved  the proposal  to carry  forward the  retained profits  of SEK

The AGM discharged the members of the Board and the President from liability for
the financial year 2009.

The  ordinary board  members Hans  Glemstedt, Bo  Jesper Hansen, Wenche Rolfsen,
Michael  Steinmetz and  Hans Wigzell  were re-elected  and Adine  Grate Axén and
Lennart  Johansson  were  elected  as  new  board  members. Bo Jesper Hansen was
elected chairman of the Board.

Mats-Olof  Ljungkvist, Peter Sellei  and Håkan Åström  had declined re-election.
Adine Grate Axén is board member of EDB Business Partners, advisor and executive
board  member of 3 Scandinavia, member of the  commission for the sale of shares
in  companies with state ownership, as well as chairman of the Listing Committee
of  Nasdaq  OMX  Stockholm.  Previously  she  held a number of leading positions
within  Investor AB. Adine Grate Axén has a Masters degree from Stockholm School
of  Economics and  Harvard AMP.  Lennart Johansson  is member  of the management
group  and the head  of Operating Investments  of Investor AB,  as well as board
member of, among others, Saab AB, Mölnlycke AB and Gambro AB. Previously he was,
among  other  things,  managing  director  of  b-business  partners and Emerging
Technologies  AB. Lennart Johansson has a Master degree from Stockholm School of

The  AGM approved the compensation to the Board totaling SEK 1,755,000, of which
SEK  250,000 is paid to each of the board members with exception of the chairman
who  shall not receive any compensation. The  AGM further approved that fees for
work in the audit committee should be SEK 75,000 to the chairman and SEK 40,000
to  each other member of such committee, that no fees should be paid for work in
the  compensation & benefit committee  and that fees for  work in the scientific
committee  should be  SEK 50,000 to  the chairman  and SEK  25,000 to each other
member of such committee.

The AGM approved the proposed guidelines for remuneration for the management.

The  AGM  approved  the  proposed  instructions  and  charter for the nomination

The  AGM  decided  to  adopt  the  Board's  proposal regarding amendments to the
articles of association, partly for change of the company name to Swedish Orphan
Biovitrum  AB (publ), partly for the purpose of clarifying the pre-emptive right
which   shall   be  applicable  for  holders  of  common  shares  and  C-shares,
respectively, in the event of cash or set-off issues.

The  AGM approved  the Board's  proposal on  the implementation of a performance
based,  long-term share  program for  2010 ("Share Program  2010"), comprising a
resolution  regarding  amendment  of  the  articles of association, a resolution
regarding  a directed issue of C-shares and a resolution regarding authorization
for  the Board  to repurchase  issued C-shares.  The program  includes up to 80
managers and key employees of the Biovitrum-group, which receive the possibility
to  be  allocated  common  shares  in  Biovitrum  free  of  charge.  An offer to
participate in the program shall be provided no later than on 31 December 2010.
The  participants of the program shall be divided into three categories: members
of  the management team and two additional categories for other managers and key
employees.  For each category, the Board will  determine a maximum value for the
Share Program 2010 related to the participant's salary. The program participants
are  nominated  based  on  competence  and  performance  as  well as taking into
consideration  the strategic  importance of  retaining key  employees within the
business. For each participant, the Board establishes, following a proposal from
the compensation & benefit committee, an individual maximum value denominated in
SEK.  Each maximum value shall thereafter be  converted into a maximum number of
shares that may be allocated, based on the volume weighted average closing share
price  of the Biovitrum common share during  a period of ten trading days before
the  day the participants are offered to participate in the program. The outcome
of  the Share Program 2010 is dependent on  the fulfillment of targets for value
creation,  determined by the Board, connected to the total shareholder return of
the  Biovitrum common share, during a three year  period as from the date of the
offer  to  participate  in  the  program.  The participants must purchase common
shares  in Biovitrum at market  value to be allowed  to participate in the Share
Program  2010 at a value  within an amount  interval based on  their annual base
salary.  For each common share that  a participant purchases, the participant is
given  the  possibility,  provided  that  certain  conditions  are fulfilled, to
receive  one common  share in  Biovitrum free  of charge.  Based on  a number of
assumptions,  the maximum  costs for  the Share  Program 2010 are  calculated to
approximately SEK 12.5 million. Additional costs for social security charges are
calculated  to approximately SEK 4.3 million.  Upon full allocation according to
Share  Program 2010, the  number of  shares in  Biovitrum will be increased with
approximately  985,000 corresponding to a dilution  effect of approximately 0.5
per  cent of  the share  capital and  the votes.  To secure that the company can
fulfill  its commitment according to Share  Program 2010 and Share Program 2008
and  2009, the  AGM  resolved  to  issue  not more than 1,552,949 C-shares to an
external  party, whereby the  company's share capital  may be increased with not
more  than approximately SEK  852,100, and to authorize  the Board to repurchase
all issued C-shares. In order to enable the share issue the AGM also resolved to
amend  the articles of association  so that the maximum  number of C-shares that
may be issued is increased from 2,000,000 to 5,000,000.

At  the statutory meeting of the Board held in conjunction with the AGM, Lennart
Johansson  (chairman), Adine Grate  Axén and Hans  Glemstedt were elected to the
audit  committee, and  Bo Jesper  Hansen (chairman),  Hans Glemstedt and Michael
Steinmetz to the compensation & benefit committee.

For  full  details  on  each  proposal  adopted  by  the  AGM  please  refer  to <> where documentation related to the
AGM can be downloaded.

CEO   Martin   Nicklasson's   address   to   the   meeting   is  also  available <>.

For more information, contact:

Martin Nicklasson, CEO
Phone: +46 8 697 20 00

Göran Arvidson, CFO
Cell phone: +46 70 633 30 42

Erik Kinnman, VP Investor Relations
Cell phone: +46 73 422 15 40 <>

About Swedish Orphan Biovitrum

On January 14, 2010, Biovitrum AB (publ) completed the acquisition of Swedish
Orphan International Holding AB and created Swedish Orphan Biovitrum - a leading
company focused on treatment of rare diseases.

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum is a Swedish based specialty pharmaceutical company
with an international market presence. The company is focused on providing and
developing orphan and niche specialist pharmaceuticals to patients with high
medical needs. The portfolio consists of about 60 marketed products and an
emerging late stage clinical development pipeline within rare diseases. Swedish
Orphan Biovitrum has pro-forma revenues 2009e of about 2 BSEK and approximately
500 employees. The head office is located in Sweden and the share (STO: BVT) is
listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information please visit <>.

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum may be required to disclose the information provided
herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish
Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was provided for public
release on April 27, 2010 at 7.30 p.m. CET.


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