Resolutions from Biovitrums AGM

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The Biovitrum Annual General Meeting (AGM) convened earlier today in
Stockholm and voted in favor of all resolutions proposed at the
meeting, including:
The AGM approved the proposal to carry forward the retained profits
of SEK 592,820,640.
The AGM discharged the members of the Board and the President from
liability for the fiscal year 2007.
The ordinary Board Members Håkan Åström, Anders Hultin, Wenche
Rolfsen, Michael Steinmetz, Toni Weitzberg, Hans Wigzell and
Mats-Olof Ljungkvist were re-elected and Håkan Åström was elected
Chaiman of the Board.
The AGM approved the 2008 compensation to the Board totaling SEK
2,650,000, of which SEK 950,000 is paid to the Chairman, and SEK
250,000 is paid to each of the other Board Members. The compensation
for work in the committees of the Board was approved at SEK 50,000 to
the chairman of the Audit Committee and SEK 25,000 to the other
members of the Audit Committee and that no compensation will be
received by the members of the Remuneration Committee. The AGM also
approved compensation for work in the Scientific Committee at SEK
50,000 to the Chairman and SEK 25,000 to each of the other members in
the committee.
The AGM approved the Board's proposals regarding the guidelines for
remuneration etcetera for the Management, as well as the scope of and
the main principles for Biovitrum's new performance based, long-term
share program for 2008 comprising a resolution regarding amendment of
the articles of association, a resolution regarding a directed issue
of series C shares and a resolution regarding authorization for theBoard to repurchase issued series C shares.
The AGM decided to approve the instructions and charter for the
Nomination Committee.
Furthermore, the AGM decided to authorize the Board to resolve to
issue new shares.
At the statutory meeting of the Board held in conjunction with the
AGM, Mats-Olof Ljungkvist (Chairman), Anders Hultin and Håkan Åström
were elected to the Audit Committee, and Toni Weitzberg (Chairman),
Håkan Åström and Michael Steinmetz to the Remuneration Committee.
Michael Steinmetz (Chairman), Hans Wigzell and Wenche Rolfsen were
elected to the Scientific Committee.
For full details on each proposal adopted by the AGM please refer to where documentation related to the AGM is
President and CEO Martin Nicklasson address to the meeting will be
available at
For more information, contact:
Biovitrum AB (publ)
Martin Nicklasson, CEO
Phone: +46 8 697 20 00
Erik Kinnman, Vice President, Investor Relations & Public Affairs
Phone: +46 73 422 15 40
Facts to the editor
About Biovitrum
Biovitrum is a pharmaceutical company with operations in Sweden and
in the UK. Biovitrum has currently a research portfolio with several
projects in clinical and preclinical phases for a number of well
defined specialist indications as well as for common diseases within
obesity, diabetes, inflammation and eye diseases. Biovitrum develops
and produces protein-based drugs on a contractual basis and markets a
range of specialist pharmaceuticals primarily in the Nordic
countries. Biovitrum has revenues of approximately SEK 1.2 billion
and around 500 employees. Biovitrum's share is listed on the OMX
Nordic Exchange in Stockholm since September 15, 2006. For more
information see
Biovitrum may be required to disclose the information provided herein
pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act.


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