Sobi: The board of directors exercises authorization for share issuance and repurchase of shares

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-  for the purpose  of securing the  company's commitments under the performance
based, long-term share programs
The  Extraordinary General Meeting of Swedish  Orphan Biovitrum AB (publ) on 24
August  2011 resolved - for the purpose of ensuring that the Company can fulfill
its commitments under the performance based, long-term share programs 2008-2011
and  the CEO share program 2011 (the "Share Programs") - on an authorization for
the  board to resolve  on directed share  issues of class  C shares. The General
Meeting  also resolved  to authorize  the board  of directors  to resolve on the
repurchase  of all issued class C shares by  an offer directed to all holders of
class C shares. Shares issuance and repurchase under these authorizations may be
made on one or several occasions until the Annual General Meeting in 2012 and at
a  price corresponding  to the  quotient value  of the  share (approximately SEK

The board of directors has resolved to exercise these authorizations for the
said purposes by issuing 684,590 class C shares to Carnegie Investment Bank AB,
against a cash consideration of approximately SEK 376,000, and by repurchasing
of all issued class C shares against payment of the same amount. Subscription of
class C shares may take place during the period 27 April - 8 June 2012 and
repurchase of the class C shares may be effected during the period 27 April -
19 June 2012.

The class C shares will following the repurchase be converted to common shares
in the number that is required to ensure delivery under the Share Programs.

The company currently holds 2,068,534 own class C shares. Subsequently to the
share issuance and following the repurchase of class C shares, the number of own
class C shares will amount to 2,753,124.

For further information, please contact:
Åsa Stenqvist, Head of Communications
Tel.: +46 8 697 21 88.

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi)
Sobi is a leading integrated biopharmaceutical company dedicated to bringing
innovative therapies and services to improve the health of rare disease patients
and their families. The product portfolio comprises about 45 marketed products
as well as projects in the late clinical phase. Key therapeutic areas are
Inflammation and Genetics & Metabolism. In 2011, Sobi had revenues of SEK 1.9
billion and around 500 employees. The share (STO: SOBI) is listed on NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm. More information is available at

The information above has been published pursuant to the Swedish Securities
Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was
released for public distribution on 24 April 2012 at 8:45 a.m. CET.


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