Sobi:Resolutions from Swedish Orphan Biovitrum's ("Sobi") Annual General Meeting (AGM)

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The Sobi AGM convened earlier today in Stockholm and voted in favour of the
resolutions proposed at the meeting, including:
Adoption of the profit and loss statements and balance sheet and discharge of
The AGM adopted the income statement and the balance sheet and approved the
proposal to carry forward the retained profits of SEK 4,583,105,488.

The board members and the chief executive officers were discharged from
liability for the financial year 2011.

Election of Board of Directors, remuneration to the Directors and election of
The ordinary board members Adine Grate Axén, Bo Jesper Hansen, Lennart
Johansson, Helena Saxon, Hans GCP Shikan and Hans Wigzell were re-elected and
Matthew Gantz was elected as new board member. Bo Jesper Hansen was re-elected
chairman of the Board.

Matthew Gantz was born 1965 and has a BA from Princeton University and an MBA
from Harvard Business School. He is Regional US Executive Vice President and
General Manager US in BTG, British Technology Group. Prior to BTG, he was
Founder and CEO of Acureon Pharmaceuticals, President and CEO of
Hydrabiosciences Inc, VP Europe for Chiron's Biopharmaceutical Division and
General Manager for PathoGenesis Europe. Prior to Chiron/PathoGenesis, Matthew
held a variety of US sales and marketing roles at Abbott Laboratories
Diagnostics Division. Matthew Gantz does not hold any shares or options in the
company. He is independent in relation to the company and its management and in
relation to the company's principal shareholders.

The AGM approved the compensation to the Board in accordance with the nomination
committee's proposal.

PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was elected auditor of Sobi until the end of the
annual general meeting 2013.

Nomination Committee
The AGM approved the proposed instructions and charter for the nomination

Principles for remuneration for the management, long-term incentive program and
transfer of own shares
The AGM approved the proposed guidelines for remuneration for the management.

The AGM also approved the Board's proposal regarding the implementation of a
long-term incentive program, and hedging arrangements in respect of the program
including a directed issue of no more than 1,655,136 series C shares,
authorisation for the Board to decide on a repurchase of all issued series C
shares and transfers of no more than 1,480,136 own common shares to program

The Board's proposal regarding transfer of no more than 88,551 own common shares
on the stock exchange for the purpose of covering certain payments, mainly
social security contributions, that may occur in relation to the Share Program
2009, was also approved by the AGM.

For full details on each proposal adopted by the AGM please refer to

For more information, contact:
Åsa Stenqvist, VP Communications and Investor Relations
Phone: +46 8 697 20 00

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi)
Sobi is a leading integrated biopharmaceutical company dedicated to bringing
innovative therapies and services to improve the health of rare disease patients
and their families. The product portfolio comprises about 45 marketed products
as well as projects in the late clinical phase. Key therapeutic areas are
Inflammation and Genetics & Metabolism. In 2011, Sobi had revenues of SEK 1.9
billion and around 500 employees. The share (STO: SOBI) is listed on NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm. More information is available at

The above information has been made public in accordance with the Swedish
Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was released for public distribution on April 26, 2012 at 19:30 p.m.


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