Swedish Orphan Biovitrum's Long-Lasting Hemophilia A Therapy Receives Orphan Drug Designation in the US

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Stockholm,  Sweden - Dec  23, 2010 - Swedish Orphan  Biovitrum (STO: SOBI) today
announced  that the U.S.  Food and Drug  Administration (FDA) has granted orphan
drug  designation to its  long-lasting, fully-recombinant Factor  VIII Fc fusion
protein  (rFVIIIFc)  for  the  treatment  of  hemophilia  A.  rFVIIIFc  is being
developed in partnership with Biogen Idec (NASDAQ: BIIB).

A  global registrational trial of rFVIIIFc (A-LONG) is ongoing. The phase II/III
trial  is an  open-label, multicenter  clinical trial  designed to  evaluate the
safety,  pharmacokinetics  and  efficacy  of  rFVIIIFc  in  the  prevention  and
treatment of bleeding in previously-treated patients with severe hemophilia A.

"The  orphan drug  designation (ODD)  for rFVIIIFc  is an  important step in our
efforts to bring an important new, valuable and needed treatment to hemophilia A
patients.  An ODD  gives advantages  in FDA  assistance, user-fee  benefits and,
after  orphan drug registration, seven years  of market exclusivity," said Peter
Edman, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer of Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi).

About rFVIIIFc and the recombinant Fc-Fusion protein hemophilia program
Treatment  of  severe  hemophilia  A  requires  frequent  infusions,  creating a
significant  burden for individuals with the condition. The rFVIIIFc molecule is
being  investigated for  the potential  to prolong  protection from bleeding and
reduce the frequency of injections for both prophylaxis and on-demand therapy in
hemophilia A.

rFVIIIFc  is  a  recombinant  Factor  VIII  Fc  fusion  protein  developed using
monomeric  Fc fusion technology. The technology makes use of a natural mechanism
that  recycles rFVIIIFc  in the  circulation to  extend its  half-life. It  is a
fully-recombinant   clotting   factor  designed  to  replace  the  protein  that
hemophilia  A patients lack  and to last  longer in the  body than commercially-
available Factor VIII products.

The  registrational trial of  rFVIIIFc is expected  to enroll approximately 150
patients  in 60 centers  globally. The  A-LONG study  will include male patients
aged  12 years and above who have a  diagnosis of severe hemophilia A, a history
of  at least 150 documented prior exposure days to any currently-marketed Factor
VIII  product  and  a  platelet  count  of  ≥100,000  cells/μL. Patients will be
assigned  into three arms:  high-dose prophylaxis, low-dose  prophylaxis and on-

The  decision  to  progress  rFVIIIFc  into  a registrational trial was based on
strong  Phase  I/IIa  clinical  data  and  supportive preclinical data. In July,
Biogen  Idec and  Swedish Orphan  Biovitrum announced  data from the Phase I/IIa
open-label, dose-escalation study that evaluated the safety and pharmacokinetics
of  an intravenous injection  of rFVIIIFc in16  previously-treated patients with
severe  hemophilia A. In the study,  rFVIIIFc demonstrated a prolonged half-life
compared  to  Advate(®)  and  was  well  tolerated  with no drug related serious
adverse events. Adverse events were observed in 11 out of 16 patients, with only
one related to study drug - dysguesia (abnormal taste in the mouth).

Using  the same technology as rFVIIIFc, Biogen Idec and Sobi are also developing
a  fully-recombinant, long-lasting Factor IX Fc  fusion protein (rFIXFc) for the
treatment   of   hemophilia   B.  rFIXFc  is  currently  being  evaluated  in  a
registrational,  open-label, multicenter trial (B-LONG) designed to evaluate its
safety,  pharmacokinetics  and  efficacy  in  hemophilia  B  patients.  For more
information    on    the    rFIXFc    and    rFVIIIFc   trials,   please   visit
www.biogenidechemophilia.com or www.clinicaltrials.gov.

About Hemophilia A
Hemophilia  A is a rare,  inherited disorder in which  the ability of a person's
blood to clot is impaired. Hemophilia A occurs in about one in 5,000 male births
annually  and  is  caused  by  having  substantially  reduced  or no Factor VIII
protein,  which is  needed for  normal blood  clotting. People with hemophilia A
therefore  need injections of Factor VIII to restore the coagulation process and
prevent  frequent bleeds that  could otherwise lead  to pain, irreversible joint
damage  and life-threatening  hemorrhages. Prophylaxis  treatment with infusions
three  times per week  or every other  day to maintain  a sufficient circulating
level  of coagulation factor  is being increasingly  used, and long-term studies
demonstrate  that  such  regimens  increase  the  patient's  life expectancy and
greatly reduce, if not eliminate, progressive joint deterioration.

About Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi)
Sobi  is  a  Swedish  based  niche  specialty  pharmaceutical  company  with  an
international   market  presence.  The  company  is  focused  on  providing  and
developing  specialist  pharmaceuticals  for  rare  disease  patients  with high
medical  needs.  The  portfolio  consists  of  about 60 marketed products and an
emerging  late  stage  clinical  development  pipe-line.  Our  focus  areas are:
hemophilia,  inflammation/autoimmune  diseases,  fat  malabsorption,  cancer and
inherited metabolic disorders. Sobi had pro-forma revenues 2009e of about 2 BSEK
and  approximately 500 employees. The  head office is  located in Sweden and the
share (STO: SOBI) is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information please

For more information please contact:
Erik Kinnman, VP Investor Relations
Phone: +46 73 422 15 40

Peter Edman, CSO
Phone. +46 8 697 21 77

Swedish  Orphan Biovitrum may  be required to  disclose the information provided
herein  pursuant  to  the  Swedish  Securities  Markets Act. The information was
provided for public release on December 23, 2010, 8.30 am CET.


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