Swedish Orphan Biovitrum updates European Kepivance® label

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Stockholm, Sweden - March 23, 2010 - Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (STO: BVT) has
submitted new data to theCommittee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP),
which adopted a positive opinion recommending a variation to the terms of the
marketing authorisation for  Kepivance(®).  The new label with an updated SmPC
will be implemented after the European Commission has approved the CHMP

The pivotal trial published in 2005 where a combination of irradiation and
chemotherapy was used, demonstrated Kepivance(®) to be efficacious in oral
mucositis. The now initiated variation is based on the results from of a
recently completed clinical trial, which at the time of the Marketing
Authorization, was requested by European Medicines Agency (EMA). The study
looked at the effect of Kepivance(®) when one type of chemotherapy-only was used
before conditioning preceding hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. In the
present study, where multiple myeloma patients received high-dose melphalan
(chemotherapy), treatment with Kepivance(®) did not demonstrate a difference in
the maximum severity of oral mucositis compared to placebo.

The new European therapeutic indication proposed by the CHMP to the EU
Commission reads:
Kepivance(®) is indicated to decrease the incidence, duration and severity of
oral mucositis in patients with hematological malignancies receiving
myeloablative radiochemotherapy associated with a high incidence of severe
mucositis and requiring autologous hematopoietic stem cell support.

Kennet Rooth, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum Executive Vice President responsible for
Sales and Marketing emphasized that Kepivance(®) is the only drug approved for
the prevention of oral mucositis in Europe and the new label now will be closely
aligned with the recommendations by leading professional associations such as
the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) to use Kepivance(®) to prevent
oral mucositis only in patients with hematological malignancies receiving
radiochemotherapy preceding autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

About Kepivance(®) (palifermin)
Information about Kepivance(®) can be found at : http://www.kepivance.com/

Healthcare  professionals should refer  to national labeling  texts, and not the
information above.

About Swedish Orphan Biovitrum
On January 14, 2010, Biovitrum AB (publ) completed the acquisition of Swedish
Orphan International Holding AB and created Swedish Orphan Biovitrum - a leading
company focused on treatment of rare diseases.
Swedish Orphan Biovitrum is a Swedish based specialty pharmaceutical company
with an international market presence. The company is focused on providing and
developing orphan and niche specialist pharmaceuticals to patients with high
medical needs. The portfolio consists of about 60 marketed products and an
emerging late stage clinical development pipeline within rare diseases. Swedish
Orphan Biovitrum has pro-forma revenues 2009 of about 2 BSEK and approximately
500 employees. The head office is located in Sweden and the share (STO: BVT) is
listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information please visit
www.biovitrum.com <http://www.biovitrum.com/>.

For more information please contact:

 Swedish Orphan Biovitrum:
 Kennet Rooth, EVP Marketing & Sales
 Phone +46 8 412 98 43
 Kennet.Rooth@swedishorphan.com <mailto:Kennet.Rooth@swedishorphan.com>

 Erik Kinnman, EVP Investor Relations
 Phone: +46 73 422 15 40
 erik.kinnman@biovitrum.com <mailto:erik.kinnman@biovitrum.com>

 Martin Nicklasson, CEO
 Phone: +46 8 697 20 00

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum may be required to disclose the information provided
herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was
provided for public release on March 23, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. CET.


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