SAQ joins the Nordic roadmap with shared environmental ambitions

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The Canadian monopoly of Quebec (Société des alcools du Québec, SAQ) joins the Nordic roadmap with shared environmental ambitions. In context of the international conference for all alcohol monopolies held in Stockholm 26thand 27thof August.  

In the roadmap, the monopolies affirm its commitment to be forerunners for sustainable development in the beverage business by encouraging and enabling sustainable solutions in the supply chain and to inspire our consumers to make sustainable choices. The target is to minimize negative environmental impact in our value chain. Actions will – among others – include efforts focusing on products’ climate impact within the fields of growing and producing, packaging and transport of beverages.  

To do so, the Scandinavian monopolies enthusiastically welcome the SAQ's (Quebec, Canada) signature of the Nordic alcohol monopolies environmental roadmap. The SAQ becomes the first entity outside Europe to ratify this roadmap, says Ann Carlsson Meyer, CEO of Systembolaget.  

Through the commitment of the signatories to the Nordic alcohol monopolies environmental roadmap, all share a common goal to increase our collaboration with each other on environmental issues. Together, the monopolies can go further than we would individually.

We are proud to join our Scandinavian peers to mobilize our entire industry in the necessary ecological transition. Both our customers and employees are sensitive to the environmental impact of our activities, and this new commitment is a logical continuation of our efforts in this area. I also invite our Canadian and American peers to join us. Together, we have the duty and the power to collaborate to do more, said Marie-Hélène Lagacé, Vice-President, Public Affairs, Communications, and Social Responsibility at SAQ.

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