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Technology and social support are key to new group health coaching program from StayWell Health Management

ST. PAUL, Minn. (August 19, 2010) — Accessibility to a variety of programs and a work environment that does not support a culture of health are two key hurdles that many people face when trying to change unhealthy behaviors. But with the help of StayWell Health Management, employers are breaking down these hurdles for their employees through a new workplace wellness program that couples technology with the social support of group behavior change and the guidance that a health coach provides to create a new eConference Series that is convenient, engaging, and fun.

The eConference Series, which is part of the StayWell@Work(C) suite of programs and services, contributes to employer efforts to build a culture of health within the workplace by creating social support, encouragement, and guidance for all program participants in a very visible, engaging, and consistent manner.

”Lasting behavior change doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Many people need professional guidance and peer support to make new, healthy behaviors a permanent part of their life,” said Michael Staufacker, director of population health strategies for StayWell Health Management. “The eConference Series helps solidify an individual’s commitment to change and improves their ability to manage their own health by creating a network of co-workers who share a common interest and who can support each other both during and after the program sessions.”

The StayWell eConference Series currently includes programs that address weight management and stress management/resiliency, with more topics becoming available in the future. According to Staufacker, employer interest in this new offering has been strong.

“Over the years, one-on-one health coaching has proven to be extremely effective at helping people change behaviors and improve their health status, and more recent research has shown that offering programs in multiple formats allows individuals to choose the approach they think will work best for their situation while increasing an employer’s ability to engage a higher percentage of their population,” said Staufacker.

Companies that choose to offer the eConference Series can choose the topic that they would like to offer, based on the health status and risk factors of their workforce. The program duration is eight to 12 weeks, based on employer preference, with groups of participants meeting every week for one hour.

The group coaching sessions are facilitated by an experienced health coach with expertise in the given subject matter area and training in facilitating both group and one-on-one behavior change. Each meeting consists of visual and engaging activities and discussion conducted via webinar, which enables employees in remote locations and those who may travel frequently, to participate by calling in or logging on to the session.

Each week, the health coach provides educational information and various “calls to action” for participants to perform before the next meeting that support learning, social support, and behavior change. Participants receive added support through weekly e-mail reminders and workplace communications. According to Staufacker, a sample of the weekly topics in the Stress Management/Resiliency eConference module include major sources of stress, support systems, resiliency, life management, taking time for health, and tools to keep going during challenging times.




StayWell Health Management is a recognized leader in delivering comprehensive health management programs and services that help organizations maximize business results by improving employee health and productivity. Founded in 1978, StayWell Health Management is a MediMedia USA Company headquartered in St. Paul. The company has 350 employees. StayWell’s programs and publications help improve the lives of more than 50 million people each year. StayWell customers have received the C. Everett Koop National Health Award and more than 40 WELCOA Gold Awards for health management programs StayWell has developed. To learn more about the company, visit

For more information:

Barbara Tabor, APR

