15% energy cost savings and improved indoor climate with IoT and AI

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Talkpool and Myrspoven jointly deliver Smart Building solutions for energy savings and improved air quality to prime real estate companies. Results from the first commercial installations show energy savings of 10-20% AND much improved indoor climate. Hence the smart building solution improves health and wellbeing while reducing energy costs. The wireless solution with battery-powered sensors is easy to install in all kinds of buildings.

Talkpool provides sensors, connectivity, data management and services. The indoor climate is monitored in real-time with Talkpool’s OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2 sensor. The sensors have a battery life of 5-7 years, and this makes the solution suitable for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) applications for heating and cooling, but also ventilation for good indoor air quality.

Myrspoven provides advanced analytics and control with their Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based optimization solution that overrides existing HVAC solutions. The advanced analytics both models the building behavior, as well as taking the weather and energy price parameters into the optimization.

Based on the analysis of all input parameters the solution is constantly optimizing air quality, temperature and power consumption in all areas of the building.

For more information about Talkpool's air quality supervision solutions, visit https://talkpool.com/indoor-air-quality-and-iot-lessons-from-covid-19/

For more information, please contact:

Erik Strömstedt, CEO Talkpool
Tel: +41 81 250 2020

About Talkpool

Talkpool provides IoT solutions and telecommunication network services globally. Through its cutting-edge technical expertise, long experience and agile business model, Talkpool offers global telecom vendors and operators high-quality services on short notice no matter the location. Talkpool offers end-to-end IoT solutions for smart buildings and cities with focus on environmental control, energy saving and damage prevention For more information, visit www.talkpool.com.
